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Interviews are part of most people' s working life. Here are some handy tips on how to do your best at interviews.

Interviews are part of most people' s working life. Here are some handy tips on how to do your best at interviews.

Don' t mistakenly think that your interviewers want to know about you. They are interested only in that small part of you that can or can' t do the job they have advertised.

sadly , many of us are so flattered by questions such as "Tell me about your strengths" that we take it as an invitation to chatter and make fools of ourselves.

Never think that lots of enthusiasm is enough. sit down with a pen , paper and the job description ,and work out the skills and qualities they are looking for.

Itemize your technical or professional skills as they match the requirements of the job. Then recall an incident to illustrate each of these skills. When you have done this

, you will be in a position to begin justifying your ability and suitability.

Remember that very few questions are lightly asked.

If your interviewers are interviewing more than a couple of candidates , they have probably worked up a list of eight to ten questions to put to each person. In well-organized businesses , they will be making marks in their notebooks as you give your replies. An imprecise answer will show that you do not appreciate the value of the question. s0 think through how you can give strong

, specific answers to questions such as "Can you work well in a team or on your own or in a small business?"

Avoid giving them reasons to exclude you. You want to appear the sort of person who will help out in a crisis. make the tea sometimes even if it is not your job. be tolerant of others. whatever their age ,sex , race or religion ,

and be easy to manage. Don't attack your previous employer as it suggests you might attack your now one.

Try asking them a few questions. If you ask what sort of projects you would be likely to start work on ,you might then get back some very useful feedback. If they start opening Up

to you , you can get into a more equal conversation and may have an opportunity to show that you can deal with the sort of situation they are describing.

31. The passage is to show the applicant how to ()

A. prepare for a job interview

B. do their best at a job interview

C. impress the interviewers at a job interview

32. The applicant should not attack his previous boss at the interview because ()

A. the interviewer and the applicant' s previous boss may be birds of a feather

B. a man who speaks ill of somebody else in the back is not reliable and trustworthy

C. the interviewer may think that, if one attacks his previous employer now , he might attack his new one later

33. Why is it good for the applicant to ask the interviewer a few questions? ()

A. He can have more chance of demonstrating his ability.

B. He can learn more about the interviewer' s likes and dislikes.

C. He can make the interview run in the way in his favor.

34. According to the passage , which of the following is true? ()

A. Y ou should answer every question raised by the interviewer as thoroughly as possible.

B. You should try your best to flatter the interviewer and never disagree with him.

C. It is foolish to take the question "Tell me about your strengths" as an invitation to chatter.

35. It can be inferred from the passage that ()

A. interviewers always want to know as many as possible about the applicant

B. a careful analysis of your qualifications will better prepare you for the interview

C. one should give more attention to questions like ‘Can you work well in a team?"

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行为面试(behavioral interviews)

行为面试(behavioral interviews)

Care for Our Mother Earth (Dr. McKinley1 of AwarenessMagazine2 interviews a group of experts on en

Care for Our Mother Earth

(Dr. McKinley1ofAwarenessMagazine2interviews a group of experts on environmental issues.)

Dr. McKinley: What do you think is the biggest threat to the environment today? Aman Motwane3: The biggest threat to our environment today is the way we, as human beings, see our environment. How we see our environment shapes our whole world. Most of us see everything as independent from one another. But the reality is that everything is part of one interconnected, interrelated whole. For example, a tree may appear isolated, but in fact it affects and is affected by everything in its environment-sunshine, rain, wind, birds, minerals, other plants and trees, you, me. The tree shapes the wind that blows around it; it is also shaped by that wind. Look at the relationship between the tree and its environment and you will see the future of the tree. Most of us are blind to this interconnectedness of everything. This is why we don't see the consequences of our actions. It is time for each of us to open our eyes and see the world as it really is — one complete whole where every cause has an effect.

Dr. McKinley: Hello Dr. Semkiw. In your research, what environmental issues do you find most pressing? Walter Semkiw: Two environmental issues that we find most pressing are deforesting and global warming. Mankind has now cut down half of the trees that existed 10 000 years ago. The loss of trees upsets the ecosystem as trees are necessary to build topsoil, maintain rainfall in dry climates, purify underground water and to convert carbon dioxide to oxygen. Trees bring water up from the ground, allowing water to evaporate into the atmosphere. The evaporated water then returns as rain, which is vital to areas that are naturally dry. Areas downwind of deforested lands lose this source of rainfall and are transformed into deserts. Global warming results from the burning of fossil fuels, such as petroleum products, resulting in the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases then trap heat, resulting in warming of our atmosphere.

Dr. McKinley: Mr. Nacson, thanks for participating all the way from Australia! What do you suggest the readers of Awareness Magazine can do to help the environmental problem?

Leon Nacson5: The simplest way to help the environment is not

to impact on it. Tread as lightly as you can, take as little as possible, and put back as much as you can.

Dr. McKinley: What is your specific area of concern regarding the current and future state of the environment?

Leon Nacson: Air and water pollution are our Number One priorities. It is hard to understand that we are polluting the air we breathe and the water we drink. These are two elements that are not inexhaustible, and we must realize that once we reach the point of no return, there will be nothing left for future generations.

Dr. McKinley: Mr. Desai, what an honor it is to have this opportunity to interview you. Can you please share your wisdom with our readers and tell us where you see the environmental crisis heading?

Amrit Desai6: We are not separate from the problem. We are the problem. We live divided lives. On one hand, we ask industries to support our greed for more and more conveniences, comfort

and possessions. We have become addicted consumers, which causes industrial waste. At the same time, we ignore the connection between our demands and the exploitation of Mother Earth. When we are greedy for more than what we need for our well-being, we always abuse the resources of our body and the earth. We are nurtured by the healthy condition of Mother Earth. In humans, if the mother is ailing, the child suffers. We are the cause of the ailing planet and we are the victims.

Dr. McKinley: In closing, I thank all of the participants. I have learned a great deal about what I can do as an individual to help the environment. I hope these interviews encourage the readers of Awareness Magazine to take action and develop your own strategy. Too many of us just sit back and say "I'll let the experts deal with it." Meanwhile, we are killing the planet. My aim of this interview is to show how one person can make a difference' Thanks to all for offering your wisdom.

Before interviews, your ______ knows very little about you through your resume.A.perspecti

Before interviews, your ______ knows very little about you through your resume.

A.perspective employee

B.prosperous employer

C.prospective employer

D.preventive employer

Before sending your resume to prospective employersor scheduling any interviews , you

Before sending your resume to prospective employers

or scheduling any interviews , you need to analyze the job market. Analyzing the job market involves determining actual job

openings and gathering information about organizations for which you want to work.

Which of the following statements is true?A.Employers don't like people who show the initi

Which of the following statements is true?

A.Employers don't like people who show the initiative to ask intelligent questions about the company.

B.Asking questions is your best chance to find out about your future company or boss

C.Two of the most persuasive qualities are being well prepared and pretending

D.Openness is always found in job interviews, but it is not important

Did she () the meeting?
Did she () the meeting?

A.take part for

B.took part in

C.take part in

The first part in a sales contract is ______.
Luna ____ quite a few activities last month.
A.part in

B.takes part

C.takes part in

D.took part in

The urethra can be divided into()

A.prostatic part

B.spermatic part

C.membranous part

D.pelvic part

E.spongy part

The Internet plays an important part in the growth of multimedia ideas.
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