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This new TV technology is called Qube (求比), a pay-cable system now operating in Columbus, Ohio in

This new TV technology is called Qube (求比), a pay-cable system now operating in Columbus, Ohio in 20,000 homes for its first trial run. The new "two-way" cable system allows subscribers to "talk back" to those people miles away behind the TV cameras. Qube subscribers can select 30 different programs by pressing one of the buttons on a box like device, called the Qube console. (1)On the console, the channel selectors are connected by wire (cable) from the box, to the TV set, through the wall, into the street, then over utility poles (电线杆) or underground for miles and miles to the computers at the Qube's TV studio headquarters.Nine at the buttons connect to special TV programs that allow the audience to respond to questions by pressing the appropriate button on the Qube box, sending electronic signals to the Eclipse computers. A question is flashed on the screen with possible answers; or buttons 2 can serve as "yes" or "no" replies. The computers in the TV studio tabulate the responses from all viewers and flash the results on TV. (2)At last, the viewer can talk to his or her TV, and so far, Qube subscribers have held dialogues with politicians, decided on talent show winners, and even named a baby.They call it "touching in" since the words "touch now" flash at the bottom of the TV screen when a response is requested.

Qube is revolutionizing American's relationship with television. As expected, the more popular of the 30 channels are those where the audience can "interact" and "touch in". the computers scan the response buttons every 6 seconds to provide the talk-back facility. (3)Quiz shows allow the audience to guess along with the players in the TV studios by responding to the multiple choice or true-false questions flashed on the TV screen.A weekly amateur talent contest. Talent Search, has viewers voting on whether each local act should be allowed to continue. When 50% or more hit the "no" button, the performer must stop. An interview show called Columbus Active makes frequent use of the two-way connection. (4)On a recent program 53% of Qube viewers touched in to say they would 'jump at the chance' to have dinner with ex-president Richard Nixon.Qube viewers are still waiting for the time when a politician will make a statement and then ask his audience: "How many of you believed what I just said?"

Qube has the ability to provide a range of services that viewers can choose to subscribe to. (5)In the past, only a way a viewer could control what was broadcast on TV was to change the channel.Some see Qube as the beginning of a new era--Narrowcast. Narrowcast indicates the computers have ability to send a certain program only to some TV households (the rest get snow). With the cooperation of local colleges, Qube viewers, at extra cost can have various courses narrowcast into their living rooms.

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更多“This new TV technology is call…”相关的问题
After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _____ TV sets in 2002 as the year before.

A.as twice as many

B.as many twice

C.twice as many

D.twice many as

It can be learned from the passage that with the development of phototechnology, ______.A.

It can be learned from the passage that with the development of phototechnology, ______.

A.more and more people seem to prefer TV programs to reading activities

B.the number of TV viewers has become greater than that of film goers

C.more and more television channels are opened

D.it takes less time for a new idea to be absorbed

26-meter-tall Yao Ming made his NBA debut (初资登台) on October 23, 2002 and got 6 points

26-meter-tall Yao Ming made his NBA debut (初资登台) on October 23, 2002 and got 6 points (得分) for the Houston Rockets in the game. The next day, he got 13 points in another game.

Most people think that Yao Ming is a born basketball player. But Yao said, "When you watch it on TV, it looks very easy. But when you are playing in the NBA, it is really not so easy. ' He said that joining the Houston Rockets was a new start and a new challenge. "I hope that through very hard work, I can make everyone happy and help the Rockets win more games," he said.

Yao Ming speaks some English. Both he and his teammates can understand each other. They don't think there is a language problem. While Yao Ming faces this new challenge, the people of Houston have shown great interest in him and they hope Yao Ming faces this new challenge, the people of Houston have shown great interest in him and they hope Yao Ming will bring new energy (活力) to the Rockets. The team has started having lessons to learn more about China, and many people who work for the Rockets have learned to speak some Chinese.

Yao Ming got 13 points on October______, 2002.





I saw an ad for a device that allows your dog to talk to you. Bow Lingual, a Japanese inve
ntion, entered the American market a couple of weeks ago. Named " The Dog Translator," it sold more than 250,000 units before heading here. And dont forget that it was sold at the price of $ 120 each. Its quite simple, really. A radio microphone attaches to your dog s collar, and a handheld receiver "translates" barks into 200 different phrases. The device determines your dogs emotion at the moment: happy, sad, frustrated, on-guard, assertive and needy. (In case you have a dog that barks only in Japanese or Korean, it comes with those translations, too.) As interesting as this new device is—again, I m kicking myself here—any dog owner worth his Milk-Bones knows this might not be all that necessary a purchase. Our dog, Murphy, for instance, has never had any problem whatsoever communicating with us. Not once in 13 years. Odd as it seems, we can figure out quite quickly what s on her mind. Just the cock of her head will often do it. Translation: " Surely you re taking me with you." Sometimes it s a solitary bark at the kitchen door after dinner. Translation: " You forgot my treat, Buster!" And sometimes its 100 barks in a row. Translation: "The mailman is here! The mailman is here! Cant you hear him attacking our house?" But I think I witnessed the ultimate dog communication technique years ago. It was a neighbor s dog. I cant remember the breed or name. All I remember is how bright she was. She had no need for Bow Lingual. Whenever frustrated with her family, which appeared to be quite often, she would stroll into the living room, turn her back to them and sit directly in front of the TV they were watching. And pee. No translation needed. And you need not be smart or rich to figure that out.

We can infer from the passage that sale of "The Dog Translator" in Japan______.

A.was considered a failure

B.was quite successful

C.was relatively satisfactory

D.was relatively unsatisfactory

潮气量(tidel volume,TV)

潮气量(tidel volume,TV)










______ of reading, he put down the book and stopped ______.
A.Tired; to watch TV

B.Tiring; to watch TV

C.Tired; watching TV

D.Tiring; watching TV

People of the TV are often ____ to watch TV a great deal.





From the passage we know Shaw Taylor is ______.A.a popular TV reporterB.a TV reporter few

From the passage we know Shaw Taylor is ______.

A.a popular TV reporter

B.a TV reporter few people know

C.a TV reporter ordinary people don't like

D.an unknown TV reporter

I was watching TV () the telephone rang.
I was watching TV () the telephone rang.




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