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Why should language instructors look to sociolinguistics? 语言教师为何应当关注社会语言


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更多“Why should language instructor…”相关的问题
The most basic reason why dialects should be prese

rved is that language helps to ______ a culture

A) retain B) relate C) remark D) review

You should not use such bad language _____ of the students.

A.in the front

B.in front

C.in appearance


Why did the authors aunt try to teachher children to speak Korean?A.To help her improve he

Why did the authors aunt try to teachher children to speak Korean?

A.To help her improve herKorean language skills.

B.To help them establish aKorean identity.

C.To help them succeed inthe U.S.

D.To help them find a goodjob.

Operators of computers should give instructions to work in the form. of program______.A.wh

Operators of computers should give instructions to work in the form. of program______.

A.which are introduced to turn into computers

B.through which computers could process "language"

C.which could tell computers what to do and how to do it

D.all of the above

Why should you know when to stop?A.Because you need rest.B.Because audience may fall aslee

Why should you know when to stop?

A.Because you need rest.

B.Because audience may fall asleep.

C.Because you may be tired for talking too long.

D.Because it can make audience remember what you said.

—Wow, I've really gained a lot of weight, I should start exercising. —______ . That's why
I finally decided to join a health club.

A.You are right

B.Me too

C.Don't let it be

D.I agree with you

If you are not employed by a company, you should NOT ______.A.write a letter to present yo

If you are not employed by a company, you should NOT ______.

A.write a letter to present your thanks for interview

B.write a letter showing the reason why you fail in the interview

C.apply for the same position again several weeks later

D.apply for other available positions in this company some weeks later

Why didn't he eat anything?A.He had forgotten to bring any food with him.B.He was afraid h

Why didn't he eat anything?

A.He had forgotten to bring any food with him.

B.He was afraid he would fall asleep if he should eat anything.

C.He was not hungry.

D.It was difficult to eat while flying a plane.

For this party you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 120 words
on the topic Why We Work. Your composition should be based on the following outline given in English. 1. Some people live to work. 2. Other people work to live. 3. Your opinion.

What is the main purpose of this passage?A.To describe an experiment in which a Hydrapulpe

What is the main purpose of this passage?

A.To describe an experiment in which a Hydrapulper is used.

B.To introduce Hydrapulper, a new type of garbage disposer.

C.To tell what the writer thinks of the recycling of garbage.

D.To explain why garbage should be recycled in a new way.

For more than 600 years people have complained that youngsters cannot write proper English
anymore. Two universal truths emerge: languages are always changing, and older people always worry that the young are not taking proper care of the language. The problem is that conservatism works differently on writing than it does on speech. Writing is more permanent, so people choose their words carefully and conservatively. It is slow and considered, so people can avoid new usages widely seen as mistakes. It is taught carefully by adults to children, which naturally has some conservative influence on the written language. And it is often edited, so a young journalist with a casual style. may well be edited to a more traditional one by an older editor. Speech is different: instead of permanent, slow, considered and taught, it is impermanent, fast, and learned naturally by children from their surroundings. Speech will— at almost any level of language conservatism—change faster than written language. In this imperfect world, then, written language only partly reflects speech. Younger writers introduce spoken or new words or usages into their writing, annoying their elders as they do. But no one dare to be casual in spelling: English-speakers are stuck with an ancient system. Liberties with grammar—making the written language look like the spoken one— should be few and cautious. Giving the written language a little room to change, but not too much, is the only way to enjoy the best of both stability and vitality. The alternative— perfectly conservative writing—will make writing less and less like the language future generations will speak, and thus less relevant to writing about the world they live in.

It can be learned from Paragraph 1 that older people worry that______.

A.youngsters have too many complaints

B.spoken language is changing too fast

C.their English is not as good as before

D.youngsters are careless with language use

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