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If any terms and conditions to this Contract are breached and the breach is not corrected by any par





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更多“If any terms and conditions to…”相关的问题
The certificate of origin must appear to relate to the invoiced goods. The goods description in the
certificate of origin may be shown in general terms not inconsistent with that stated in the credit or by any other preference indicating a relation to the goods in a required document.
If a reimbursing bank issues a Reimbursement Undertaking, the Undertaking must list all of the follo
wing except

(1)( )latest date for presentation of a claim including any usance period.

(2)( )terms and conditions of the Undertaking.

(3)( )the letter of credit expiry date.

(4)( )party to pay the Reimbursement Undertaking fee, if other than the issuing bank.

In order to hold an outstanding Olympic Games,the Beijing Organizing Committee issues
this Call for Expression of Interest in the project of Beijing 2008 Partner.Interested parties are invited to participate in the procedure and submit their declaration of interest and related supporting documents.

General Terms and Conditions of Participation

1.Applicants must be able to contribute Sufficient funds,products and related services to meet the demands of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

2.Applicants must possess strong economic strength,financial and technical capabilities.

3.Applicants must enjoy a positive social image,good reputation and excellent business record.

4.Applicants undertake not to associate their response to this call and participation in the procedure with any of their commercial activities.

41.What is the main purpose of this Call for Expression of Interest?

To invite_________________to participate in the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.

42.Who is the issuer of this Call for Expression of Interest?

The _______________________of the 2008 Olympic Games.

43.What must the applicants do to meet the demands of the 2008 Olympic Games?

Contribute sufficient funds,products,and ___________________________.

44.What is required of the applicants in terms of social image?

They must enjoy a _________________________ social image.

45.What should applicants undertake not to do?

Associate their response and participation with any of their ____________.

从供选择的答案中选出应填入下面一段英文中______内的正确答案。 In computers, encoding is the process o


In computers, encoding is the process of putting a sequence of(1)characters (letters, numbers, punctuation, and certain symbols) into a specialized(2)format for efficient transmission or storage.(3)Decoding is the opposite process—the conversion of an encoded format back into the original(4)sequence of characters. Encoding and decoding are used in data communications, networking, and storage. The term is especially(5)applicable to radio (wireless) communications systems.

The terms encoding and decoding are often used in reference to the(6)processes of analog-to-digital conversion and digital-to-analog conversion. In this sense, these(7)terms can apply to any form of data, including text, images, audio, video,(8)multimedia, computer programs, or signals in sensors, telernetry, and control systems. Encoding should not be confused with encryption, a process in which data is deliberately altered so as to(9)concealits content. Encryption can be done without changing the particular(10)code that the content is in, and encoding can be done without deliberately concealing the content.


1.terms 2.Decoding 3.processes 4.format 5.code

6.multimedia 7.applicable 8.conceal 9.equence 10.characters

A: I made a very close study of the draft contract last night. B: Any questions? A: Yes.There are

A: I made a very close study of the draft contract last night.

B: Any questions?

A: Yes.There are a few points which I'd like to bring up.First, the packing.It's stipulated in the contract that all the machine parts should be packed in wooden cases.This can be done with the machine parts, but it's impossible to pack a truck base like that.

B: I see.

A: Second, about the terms of payment.Your draft contract says that payment is to be made by D/P.This is not our practice.We prefer to have the payment made by L/C through a negotiating bank in France.

B: And…

A: And the third point is about arbitration.It's stipulated that arbitration shall take place in China.In all our past contracts signed with you, it was stipulated that arbitration took place in a third country.

B: Yes, that's right.

A: But how is it that this time you wish to have it carried out in China?

B: Shall we take up the matter point by point?

A: That's a good idea.

B: Now, the first point is about packing.We agree to a different packing for the truck.

A: This can easily be done.

B: Second, about terms of payment by L/C.

A: Thank you.

B: As for arbitration, in our dealings with many countries, arbitration is to be carried out in China.The Arbitration Commission of CCPIT enjoys a high prestige among friendly companies.Personally I hope you'll accept this clause.Furthermore, the disputes that have arisen from our business transaction were all settled through friendly consultations.Very rarely was arbitration restored to.

A: I see.OK.The new arbitration clause is acceptable.Is there anything else?

B: As far as the contract stipulations are concerned, there is nothing more.Thank you very much.

A: When should we sign the contract?

B: We'I1 revise the contract this evening, and have it ready to be signed tomorrow morning at ten.How's that?

A: Perfect.

International Trade Terms An intemational trade deal can involve up to four contracts and the impor

International Trade Terms

An intemational trade deal can involve up to four contracts and the importer must have a broad understanding of each of them. The four contracts are the contract of carriage , the export sales contract , the insurance contract and the contract of finance. There are three main areas of uncertainty as to which country's law will be applicable to their contracts; the difficulty emerging from inadequate and unreliable information; and the serious problem of the diversity of interpretation of th e various trade terms. The latter point can involve costly litigation and loss of much goodwill when a dispute over the interpretation of such terms arises.

The role of Incoterms 1990 is to give the business person a set of international rules for the interpretation of the more commonly used terms such as FOB, CIF and EXW in foreign trade contracts. Such a range of terms enables the businessperson to decide which is the most suitable for their needs , knowing that the interpretation of terms will not vary by individual country.

It must be recognized, however, that it is not always possible to give a precise interpretation. In such situations one musL rely on the custom of the trade or port. Businesspersons are advised to use terms that are subject to varying interpretations as little as possible and to rely on the well-established and intemationally accepted terms. To avoid any-misunderstandings or disputes, the parties to the contract are well advised to keep trading customs of individual countries in mind when negotiating their export sales contract. However,parties to the contract may use Incoterms as the general basis of their contract , but may specify variations of them or additions to them relevant to the particular trade or circumstances. An example is the CIF plus war risk insurance. The seller would base his quotation accordingly. Special provisions in the individual contract between the parties willoverride[1] anything in the Incoterm provisions.

A point to bear especially in mind is the need for caution in the variation, for example, of CFR,CIF or DDP. The addition of a word or letter could change the contract and its interpretation. It is essential that any such variation be explicitly stated in the contract to ensure each party to the contract to be aware of its obligations and act accordingly.

The buyer and seller parties Lo the contract must especially bear in mind that Incoterms only defines their relationship in contract terms, andhas no bearin directly or indirectly on[2] the carriers' obligations to them as found in the contract of carriage. However,the law of carriage will determine how the seller should fulfil his obligation to deliver the goods to the carrier on board the vessel as found in FOB, CFR and CIF. A further point to bear in mind by the seller and buyer is that there is no obligation for the seller to procure an msurance policy for the buyer's benefit. However, in practice, many contracts request the buyer or seller to arrange insurance from the point of departure in the country of dispatch to the point of final destination chosen by the buyer.

Incoterms 1990 can be divided into recommended usage by modes of transport as under all modes (i. e. combined transport) , EXW, FCA, CPT, CIP, DAF, DDP, DDU; conventional port/sea transport only FAS, FOB, CFR, CIF, DES, DEQ. Incoterms 1990 reflects the changes and development of international distribution during the past decade, especially the development of combined transportation and associated documentation together with electronic data interchange.



Questions for reading :

Complaints caused by not delivering according to the time and quantity In the fall of 2006 ,one of

Complaints caused by not delivering according to the time and quantity

In the fall of 2006 ,one of our trading companies concluded a substantial rice business with an old customer in Africa. The terms of delivery are : shipment is to be made in equal monthly lots beginning from December,2006 to June,2007 and payment is to be made by irrevocable letter of credit 60 days after the date of the bill of lading. The customer established the L/C in time and all particulars of the rice, such as the name , specifications , unit price,total price and total quantity are in conformity with the contract. But the terms of shipment only stated " the latest date of shipment is June 30 ,to be shipped in several lots".

The staff in our trading company made the first shipment in December according to the quantity stated in the contract. However in order to export more and eam more foreign exchange earlier, they advanced the time of shipment regardless the shipment terms stipulated in the contract. In January 2007 , our company shipped the quantity of the first quarter once , and in February made the third shipment for the rest quantity that should be delivered in the second quarter, since our staff had not found any specifications "shipment is to be made in equal lots" in the L/C. At the same time our bank negotiated against presentation of the stipulated documents and subsequently asked the opening bank to pay for the goods. The opening bank examined the L/C and confirmed that the L/C had no error in it.

After receiving the shipping advice, the African customer found that the delivered quantity of the rice both in the second lot and third lot were not in accordance with the shipment terms stipulated in the contract, so a claim was filed by the customer against our trading company for default shipment. The amount claimed involved the added fees of chartering warehouse for the delivered goods, the interest and other charges etc. The two parties negotiated the compensation for several times, finally our company accepted the opposing party's opinion and agreed that the purchase price for the last two lots was to be paid four months later, that meant our company would receive the payment a few months later than che original stated time. According to Lhe current price in the international market at that time, our trading company suffered the loss equivalent to 10 percent of the original selling price.

Questions :

(1) What is the relationship between the letter of credit and the transaction contract?

(2) Which proof must the two parties concerned base on when they perform their obligations?

(Translate the case into Chinese and then answer the question)

Helpful hint: It is stipulated in Article 4 of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits that "in credit operations all parties concerned deal in documents and not in goods , service and/or other performance to which the documents may relate" .

Economics is the study of how societies with limited resources decide what to produce, how
to produce and for whom to produce. What, how, and for whom to produce are problems all over the world because human wants are practically unlimited, but all societies have only limited quantities of resources that can be used to produce goods or services. A knowledge of basic economics is important for understanding both the problems and opportunities that will face the world economy in the 21st century. As a student of economics, one will have the chance to discover how commerce, government policies, and day-to-day decisions made by consumers affect his living standards. The study of economics can help him understand the influence of such events as the move to free markets in Poland and Russia, or of ups and downs in interest rate and the foreign exchange rate. Economics is influenced by developments in the many different areas of business, politics, science, nature, religion and history. And whether or not one is aware of it, economics is an important part of his life. From a practical point of view, one s study of economics will help improve his decision-making skills. He learns a logical way to compare different courses of action. As he studies the concept of opportunity cost, for instance, he will discover that every choice he makes has both a benefit and a cost. Suppose someone decides to get a part time job so he can earn enough money to buy a car. He will have the benefit of owning the car, but he will pay a cost in terms of the leisure hours he gives up for working so as to pay for the car and keep it in good condition. After weighing his choice in cost-benefit terms, he may decide he does not need a car any more.

According to the passage, economics is studied to______.

A.get more resources for human beings

B.put human wants under some control

C.satisfy the unlimited human wants with the limited resources

D.produce better goods and services for all human beings

It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without memory. (79)The meanings of tho

It is difficult to imagine what life would be like without memory. (79)The meanings of thousands of everyday perceptions, the bases for the decisions we make, and the roots of our habits and skills are to be found in our past experiences, which are brought into the present by memory. Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use. It includes not only "remembering" things like arithmetic or historical facts, but also involving any change in the way an animal typically behaves. (80)Memory is involved when a rat gives up eating grain because he has sniffed something suspicious in the grain pile.Memory is also involved when a six-year-old child learns to swing a baseball bat. Memory exists not only in humans and animals but also in some physical objects and machines. Computers, for example, contain devices for storing data for later use. It is interesting to compare the memory-storage capacity of a computer with that of a human being. The instant-access memory of a large computer may hold up to 100,000 "words"—ready for instant use. An average U. S. teenager probably recognizes the meaning of about 100,000 words of English. However, this is but a fraction of the total amount of information which the teenager has stored. Consider, for example, the number of faces and places that the teenager can recognize on sight. The use of words is the basis of the advanced problem-solving intelligence of human beings. A large part of a persons memory is in terms of words and combinations of words.

According to the passage, memory is considered to be______.

A.the basis for decision making and problem solving

B.an ability to store experiences for future use

C.an intelligence typically possessed by human beings

D.the data mainly consisting of words and combinations of words

A recent development is the local area network (LAN).【21】its name implies, it【22】a local a

A recent development is the local area network (LAN).【21】its name implies, it【22】a local area—possibly as small as a single room, typically an area like an university campus or the premises of a particular business. Local area networks were developed to【23】a need specific to microcomputers—the sharing of expensive resources. Microcomputers are cheap,【24】highcapacity disc stores, fast and/or good quality printers, etc. are expensive. The object of the LAN is to allow【25】microcomputers shared access to these expensive resources. Since the microcomputers are【26】, it is a necessary feature of a LAN that the method of connection to the network, and the network hardware【27】, must also be cheap.

A local area network links a number of computers and a number of sewers【28】provide communal facilities, e. g. file storage. (A server usually includes a small microprocessor for control purposes.) The computers and servers are known【29】stations. There are two methods of【30】in common use, tings and broadcast networks.

In the ring method(often called a Cambridge Ring)all the stations are linked in a ring,【31】includes one special station, the monitor station.

In broadcast networks, all the stations are【32】to a single linear cable (usually co-ax cable), and any transmission will be received by all stations.

【33】technology is used, local area networks are a development of the greatest importance.【34】as programming is simplified by an approach that thinks in terms of small procedures or programs, each doing a well-defined job, the computer system of tomorrow is likely to be【35】lots of small systems, each doing a specific job, linked by a local area network.








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