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We know that many animals do not stay in one place. Birds, fish and other animals move fro

m one place to another at a certain time. They move for different reasons; most of them move to find food more easily, but others move to get away from place that are too crowded.

When cold weather comes, many birds move to warmer places to find food. Some fishes give birth in warm water and move to cold water to feed. The most famous migration(迁移) is probably the migration of the fish, which is called " salmon". This fish is born in fresh water but it travels many miles to salt water. There it spends its life. When it is cold, it returns to its birthplace in fresh water. Then it gives birth and dies there. In northern Europe, there is a kind of mouse. They leave their mountain homes when they become too crowded. They move down to the low land. Sometimes they move to the seaside and many of them are killed when they fall into the sea.

Recently, scientists have studied the migration of a kind of lobster (龙虾) . Every year, when the season of the bad weather arrives, the lobsters get into a long line and start to walk across the floor of the ocean. Nobody knows why they do this, and nobody knows where they go.

So, sometimes we know why humans and animals move from one place to another, but at other times we don't. Maybe living things just like to travel.

The majority of animals migrate for______.





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更多“We know that many animals do n…”相关的问题
Which of the following is NOT true?A.none of the aboveB.Through debating, we know that

Which of the following is NOT true?

A.none of the above

B.Through debating, we know that many things in our life do not deserve debating or discussing.

C.Through debating, we want to find out the reasonable truth.

D.Through debating, we learn to think from different perspectives.

We've already sent out the invitation cards, but we don't know how many people_________.


B.are coming


D.have come

From the last news we do NOT know ______.A.the results of the two matchesB.the number of t

From the last news we do NOT know ______.

A.the results of the two matches

B.the number of the teams which played last night

C.how many wins the BBS has had altogether

D.the Wingers has had one win and four defeats recently

From the last news we do NOT know ______. A. the results of the two matches B. the

From the last news we do NOT know ______.

A. the results of the two matches

B. the number of the teams which played last night

C. how many wins the BBS has had altogether

D. the Wingers has had one win and four defeats recently

What do we know about "Spanish Silver Dollars"?A.Today one coin equals to 49 dollars in th

What do we know about "Spanish Silver Dollars"?

A.Today one coin equals to 49 dollars in the world market.

B.They were widely used in America after the Civil War.

C.Issued in small amounts, not many of them survive.

D.They were officially accepted in the 13 colonies.

This is not the world we know. This world is controlled by computers. Men and women can
be seen, but they are following the orders given to them by machines. The machines were designed by mad scientists, but at some point even the mad scientists were taken over by their super-inventions.

Does this sound familiar? You have probably read something like it in magazines or books, or seen it in a film. Why is it so popular? One of the reasons is that it reflects the fears of many people; fear of the unknown fear of what is not understood or, at least, fear of something that is not completely understood.

The fact is that every day it seems that computers take control of another area of our lives. Some

factory jobs are now done by robots and the robots are controlled by computers. Our bank accounts are managed by computers. At the airport, our tickets are sold by a computer. Certainly, many of these operations are made more

efficient by computers, but our admiration is sometimes mixed with unsafe feelings. And this lack of safety is caused by the fact that we do not know how computers do these things, and we really don't know what they might do next. But we can find out how computers work, and once we understand them, we can use computers instead of worrying about being used by them. Today, there is a new generation of computer wizards who know exactly how computers get things done. These young men and women, usually university students, are happy to sit for hours, sometimes for days, designing programs, not eating, not sleeping, but discovering what can be done by these wonderful slaves which they have learned to control. These computer wizards have learned to use the computer and search for new tasks for their machines.

(1)、According to the passage, our present world is under the control of ______ .

A:mad scientists

B:men and women

C:the unknown fear

D:some super-inventions

(2)、The reason why many people are afraid of computers is that ______ .

A:they don't know anything about computers

B:they haven't really understood computers

C:there are so many computer games

D:computers are often down

(3)、The author mentions computer wizards in order to point out that ______ .

A:computers can be controlled by man

B:there should be more people devoted to computers

C:only young people are interested in computers

D:more time and energy is required to control computers

(4)、This passage is probably written to suggest that ______ .

A:some day computers can deal with all human problems

B:computers can be used in place of traveling to our jobs

C:people should not fear computers

D:computer technology will not meet people's needs in various situations

(5)、The author's attitude towards widely used computers is __.





试着根据信息把以下的备忘录填写完整(在空白处填上提供信息前的字母即可,不用添加空格)。A. so


A. so three filing cabinet drawers are needed

B. we need to add one air conditioner

C. Buying new equipment for the new office

D. and then we need a new photocopier

E. Melinda

F. The Financial Department

G. Dec.23 , 2015






Last week we moved into the new office. Unfortunately, the former office equipment was not enough for the new requirements. The following problems are outstanding:

• The weather is very cold,______5___________________

• There are so many files,________6________________

• Some important files need to be kept,_________7________________

I would be grateful to know when you will be able to approve the equipment buying.

CAN ANIMALS BE MADE TO WORK FOR US? Can animals be made to work for us? Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained to do a number of simple jobs that are now done by human beings. The

21. Now many animals can do some simple jobs that are done by human beings.

22. The writer says that 8t a circus we can see animals doing cIever tricks.

23. The trainer usually gives the animal a piece of candy or fruit after it has done the trick.

24. The reward in the passage means "attention paid to a good behavior".

25. Many animals may be trained to do simple jobs if they know who their trainers are.

26. Geese can be used to guard a house.

27. When the pigeon sees a ball which looks different from the others , it makes a noise.

28. Trainer usually spends 40 days or so training a pigeon to inspect sm811 steel balls.

29. An ape is a large monkey.

30. Scientists believe apes may drive buses one day.

Emotional maturity means knowing that another person cannot fill up the hole in your heart
. That is your responsibility. You need to love and affirm yourself day - by - day, moment - by - moment. That is the spiritual challenge of your life and everybody' s life. Without your love for yourself, nothing works. No amount of love from your partner is enough. The search for love from other people is like the alcoholic' s search for happiness in a bottle. The more he drinks, the less satisfied he feels and the more he wants to drink.

We are all addicted to falling in love. But after we' ve "fallen" a few times and broken our emotional bones, we hopefully wise up a bit. We know that the high of falling in love is not going to last. We know that sooner or later we will have to get real with each other. That is the difference between romance and partnership. Romance is an attempt to keep the addiction going. It has a very short half- life. Partnership is the dance of two ordinary people learning to live together day by day. It is a very challenging school that we enroll in. It is sometimes a lot more work than play. And it certainly requires a lot more psychological adjustment than years of therapy! We don' t just graduate from this school in a year or two. It takes many years, perhaps even a lifetime, for us to master the curriculum.

Your partners are imperfect human beings, just like you. They were not the "wrong" partners any more than you were. Probably, they reflected your own level of realism and emotional maturity. That' s usually the way it works. So don't waste your time thinking you simply made some bad choices. The only bad choice you made was forgetting who has the full time job loving you. I know that you know who this is !

We keep remembering that they are not perfect, nor we are. Love is not a game of perfection. It is a game of overwhelming imperfection. The amazing thing is that love survives all of our mistaken attempts to control our partners and our relationships.

We can conclude from the passage that______.

A.we won't forget who has the full time loving us

B.love is addictive

C.love from your partner is not enough

D.love lies in the maturity of emotion which is essential to a partnership or relationship

The purpose of the letter is to ______ A. show travellers their hospitality. B. prevent ill will.

The purpose of the letter is to ______

A. show travellers their hospitality.

B. prevent ill will.

C. encourage travellers to stay.

D. inform the travellers of their rate increases.

Now, go through the text quickly and answer the question.


Nottingham-Darby Stockbridge Lane NC 125 FQ

Telephone: (06362) 04183

Telex: 585746

Dear Traveller,

In attempting to provide the best service possible for our guests, we've been faced with a problem. More and more often, it seems, people are engaging hotel accommodations without prior booking, and leaving without settling their accounts.

These "silent departures" have caused us - and other hotels as well - substantial cash losses. So far, at Grand Cay we've been able to absorb these losses without passing their cost on to our guests in the form of increased prices. But we're approaching our limit.

So, in order to prevent further losses of this sort, and to keep our prices as low as possible in this time of inflation, we are asking that - any person desiring overnight accommodation without a prior confirmed booking, please pay in advance the full cost of the accommodation.

Only by the introduction of such safeguards can the problem be alleviated. Please understand our position, and know that the service we will provide you will continue to be the best we can humanly offer.

Many thanks,

Godfrey Billingham

General Manager

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