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Which machines are combined in a opening line?

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Which of the following is NOT true? A. Machines are taking work instead of' people.

Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Machines are taking work instead of' people.

B. Now more people are out of work.

C. Machines need more money and longer holidays.

D. Most people want to have jobs.

Which is true of the machine language? A.The machine language is easy for machines to use. B.Human

Which is true of the machine language?

A.The machine language is easy for machines to use.

B.Human beings can use the machine language easily.

C.All data and commands have to be in a binary form.

D.Running a program takes a longer time than writing the program.

Data processing is a series of operations carried out on data to get information.【C1】_____
_series of operations is also called the data processing cycle. Data are a group of facts called the input(输入). The data may be numbers, letters, or symbols【C2】______may or may not be related. The information is the end, result or the output. Information is data that have been processed. It is【C3】______a brief, usable form. The operations are performed with different tools. A computer is【C4】______kind of data processing tool. The brain is also a data processing tool. The brain is like a small, personal computer that controls all bodily and mental【C5】______Data, or input, enter the brain through the senses(sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing). The data are【C6】______by the brain, and the result is information. The information or output may cause physical and mental reactions such as body movements, decisions, or ideas. How does the brain tell an apple【C7】______an orange? If the brain could not process data, this would not be possible. Apples and oranges differ in looks, feel, smell, and taste. The brain can tell these differences. The【C8】______in input help the brain to decide which is the apple and which is the orange. There are three levels of processing data.【C9】______level uses different tools. Some levels require less human effort than others. The three levels are manual data processing, electromechanical data processing and electronic data processing. In manual data processing, the brain, hands, and simple tools such as pencils and paper【C10】______Electromechanical data processing uses electrically operated machines. Examples of the types of machines which are used are desk calculators and typewriters. Electronic data processing uses electronic computers that process data at a very high speed.






Turing Award & ACM 图灵奖与美国计算机学会 Turing, Alan. M. (1912—1954) is famous as a British theo

Turing Award & ACM


Turing, Alan. M. (1912—1954) is famous as a British theorist of computer science. In 1936 he invented a machine, later called Turing Machine, which has become a crucial part of the foundation of modern computer science. Turing discussed his ideas for the future of machines in mechanizing mental processes: not only chess playing but also the possibility of machines capable of learning.

Turing's plan for the ACE[1]was approved in March 1946. Its main foree, however, was in programming ideas. Turing stressed, that the machine would require no reengineering—only new programming—for a wide range of acti.vities. Turing withdrew from the test in 1948, when nothing had actually been built. The Pilot ACE was later completed in 1950, and was in the vanguard of computing.

Turing' s progress lay in advancing computing ideas rather than practice. His underlying goals for computation, in which program modification played a vital part, appeared in his philosophical paper of 1950. This, including the imitation game operational definition of intelligence now known as the Turing test, is still regarded as the foundation of the philosophy of artificial intelligence[2].

Turing Award[3]

Turing Award was named for Alan M. Turing. Turing Award is the most prestigious technical recognition in the computer science field. It is sometimes referred to as[4]the "Nobel Prize" of computer science. The Association for Computing Machinery started bestowing this honor in 1966 to persons selected for their contributions to[5]computing. The Association for Computing Machinery is a New York-based scientific and educational organization of computer science professionals, with a worldwide membership of about 80,000.

Turing Machine[6]

The Turing machine isa mathematical construct, devised by Turing to specify precisely what should he understood by a mechanical process, what would nowadays generally be called an algorithm.

Turing's paper gave an analysis of what could be done by people acting mechanically. The key idea is that a machine may have finitely many configurations or states. A table of behavior then lays down precisely what the machine is to do in response to what it has read. Given[7]the general formalism, any particular Turing machine simply is the table of behavior.

Turing defined the term computable numbers[8]for those numbers that can be computed by a Turing machine. Turing's analysis picked out what is now known as the halting problem[8], which refers to predicting what an arbitrary Turing machine will do. It is shown that there is no Turing machine that can perform the required prediction.

Turing observed in his analysis that reading a table of behavior and interpreting the entries is itself a mechanical operation. This gave rise to his idea of the universal Turing machine, which is a particular kind of Turing machine that has a table of instructions that it will read the table of instructions of any other Turing machine and do what that Turing machine would have done. In modern terms, this is the function of a digital computer. Turing himself later extended this idea into the discussion of the possible mechanization of all mental processes. Turing machine is now an important concept in the cognitive sciences[10].

Turing Test

Turing test is an operational criterion for intelligence introduced by Turing in the paper "Computing Machinery and Intelligence", which is generally regarded as a founding contribution to the philosophy of artificial intelligence. The test, which Turing called the imitation game, is its most famous aspect.

The interrogator, a human, can communicate with two sources, one human and one machine. The interrogator mus decide which is which[11].

Figure 1 Turing Test

His proposal was as follows: Imagine you have a person able to communicate with two others, B and C, only through a teletype or computer link. This person must try to distinguish B from C simply by asking questions, while those being questioned try to fool the interrogator about their gender. In the Turing test, one of the human participants is replaced by a computer. If the computer is able to convince the interrogator it is the human, Turing argued, it can be said to be intelligent.

Turing's test presents the question "Can a machine think?" in a form amenable to experiment. It is intended to circumvent philosophical problems about the nature of mind by introducing an operational definition based on a materialist view[12]in which minds are identified with the functioning of the brain[13].

Turing's test is based entirely on observable output, avoiding the discussion of consciousness. However, many philosophers have continued to hold that human beings have an intrinsic quality that cannot be possessed even by a machine that successfully imitates human behavior. Other critics wonder whether digital information can be a satisfactory guide to intelligence. But Turing's game does have the merit of taking seriously the word intelligence.

The imitation game is only one aspect of Turing's paper, which has more constructive elements that put the ancient mind-matter problem in the scientific arena of the digital machine. Turing holds that computability is fundamental, argues that the action of the brain is computable, and that[14]a computer, as a universal machine[15]can do anything computable. He describes approaches to artificial intelligence through explicit programming and through implicit methods of teaching. Turing vividly illustrates the potential scope of machines as going beyond the mechanical in the everyday sense.

An Overview of ACM

The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) is a major force in advancing the skills of information technology professionals and students. Founded in 1947, ACM is the largest and oldest international scientific and educational computer society in the industry todaY. Organized only a year after the unveiling of ENIAC, the first general-purpose[16]electronic computer, ACM was established by mathematicians and electrical engineers to advance the science and application of information technology. John Mauchly, co-inventor of the ENIAC, was one of ACM's founders. Since its inception, ACM has provided its members and the world of computer science a forum for the sharing of knowledge on developments and achievements necessary to the fruitful interchange of ideas. Over the years, ACM has flourished along with the industry itself[17], playing a major role in enriching the quality, form and function of computer usage.

The Importance of ACM.

Over the past 45 years ACM has played a vital role in disseminating the fruits of scientific efforts within and throughout the scientific and electronic engineering community. ACM' s founders understood the potential of the computer and were responsible for forming the early gathering points for exchange of data and ideas, and most of all, for stimulating others with their enthusiasm to learn and follow this exciting new endeavor.

ACM answered the need for a scientific and educational society to publish the latest scholarly opinions and briefs, to provide a forum for the interaction of ideas and concepts, and to consolidate the leadership of a new profession. Its Journal tied together the pioneering efforts on university and college campuses.

Much of the discussion after the earliest machines centered on programming—could a way better than basic binary machine code be found to instruct these new marvels? And out of this, with help from ACM members, came FORTRAN and COBOL. ACM was the organization which provided the conferences, committee meetings and publications which gave impetus to these monumental efforts and provided the stimulus for integrity and high academic standards which have remained today as the guiding light and hallmark in computer science.

Nearly all the giants[18]of software development have been personally influenced by ACM membership—ACM publications—ACM Special Interest Groups—ACM Chapters and Student Chapters—ACM conferences... and virtually all academic computer science curricula used today stem from ACM's involvement in curricula creation and their efforts to maintain a consistently high level of content in computer science instruction.

Awards: ACM sponsors awards to recognize individuals for their technical and professional contributions to the field.

Turing Award. It is ACM's most prestigious technical award. It is given to an individual selected for contributions considered to be of lasting and major technical importance to the computer field.

Distinguished Service Award:The award is on the basis of value and degree of services to the computing community. The contribution is not limited to service to ACM itself, but includes activities in other organizations and emphasizes contributions to the computing profession at large.

Doctoral Dissertation[19]Award:This award is presented annually to the author(s) of the best doctoral dissertation(s) in computer science and engineering. The award includes $1000 plus royalties from sales of the published version.

Software System Award:It is awarded to an institution or individual(s) recognized for developing a software system that has had a lasting influence, reflected in contributions to concepts, in commercial acceptance, or both.

Outstanding Educator Award: Presented annually to an outstanding educator who is appointed to a recognized educational baccalaureate insti.tution and is recognized for advancing new teaching methodologies, effecting new curriculum development or expansion in Computer Science and Engineering, or making a significant contribution to the educational mission of the ACM. Those who have been teaching for ten years or less are given special consideration.

ACM Student Research Competition: Students from universities across the US and around the world can participate in this competition. ACM Special Interest Group, namely SIG[20]conferences offer additional opportunities for undergraduate students to demonstrate their research contributions and receive recognition for their work while encouraging graduate students to participate in computing research. They also enable students to interact with researchers in their respective fields and raise the profile of computing research within the IT community.


[1] ACE Automatic Computing Equipment自动计算机(装置)。

[2] ...the foundation of the philosophy of artificial intelligence人工智能基本原理的基础。

[3] Turing Award图灵奖(被誉计算机领域里的诺贝尔奖)。

[4] It is sometimes referred to as...有时它被誉为……。

[5] ...contributions to...对于……的贡献。注意:此处to为介词。

[6] Turing Machine图灵机(一种可不受存储容量限制的假想计算机)。

[7] given假设,假定。例如:

Given the condition of the engine,it is a wonder that it even starts.


Given good health, I hope to finish the work this week.


[8] computable numbers可计算数

[9] halting problem (of Turing machines)图灵机停机问题

[10] ...cognitive sciences认知科学。研究各种思维活动和过程,以及产生这些思维活动和过程的本质。

[11] The interrogator must decide which is which具体指The interrogator should be able to identify which one is human and which one is the machine.

[12] materialist view唯物主义观点。该理论认为物质实体是唯一现实存在。

[13] ...minds are identified with the functioning of the brain智力与大脑的作用有关。be identified with与……有关。例如:That politician is too closely identified with the former government to become a minister.

[14] ...and that... that为连接词,引导宾语从句,原文中相当于and argues that...。

[15] a universal machine通用机器。

[16] general purpose通用的。

[17] ACM has flourished along with the industry itself. ACM与(计算机)产业一样兴旺发达。

[18] giant此处应为名词,指“巨子、巨人”。

[19] doctoral dissertation博士论文。

[20] SIG:Special Interest Groups (of ACM)美国计算机协会的各类别专业组。

Make sure the new machines are checked and ____ by those who know what and how to do it.





Computer Office System 计算机办公系统 Computer office systems are computers and their peripheral e

Computer Office System


Computer office systems are computers and their peripheral equipment is used to create, store, process, or communicate information in a business environment. This information can be electronically produced, duplicated, and transmitted.

The rapid growth of the service sector of the United States economy beginning in the mid 1970s has furnished a new market for sophisticated office automation. With the increasing incorporation of microchips and microcircuitry into office equipment[1], the line between the computer and other equipment has blurred.

At the same time, computers either stand alone or as part of a network and specialized software programs are taking over tasks such as facsimile transmission-or FAX, voice mail, and telecommunications that were once performed by separate pieces o.f equipment. In fact, the computer has virtually taken the place of typewriters, calculators, and manual accounting techniques and is rapidly taking over graphics design, production scheduling, and engineering design as well.

During the first half of the 20th century, financial and other numerical record keeping tasks were performed manually or by bookkeeping machines, billing machines, tabulating equipment, and other types of electromechanical accounting devices. In the 1950s, such machines were increasingly replaced by mainframe computers-large, very expensive, high speed machines that required trained operators as well as a special temperature regulated facility to prevent overheating. Use of these machines today is limited to large organizations with heavy volume data processing requirements. Time sharing, allowing more than one company to use the same mainframe for a fee, was instituted to divide the cost of the equipment among several users while ensuring that the equipment is utilized to the maximum extent.

Mainframes with remote terminals, each with its own monitor, became available in the mid 1970s and allowed for simultaneous input by many users. With the advent of the minicomputer, however, a far less expensive alternative became available. The transistor and microelectronics made manufacture of these smaller, less complex machines practicable. Minicomputers, the first of which entered general business use in the early 1960s, are now widespread in commerce and government. Terminals linked to the central processing unit (CPU) are under the direct control of the individual user rather than centralized staff. In recent years, however, it is the microcomputer, or personal computer (PC), that has come to play the principal role in most office workplaces.

Desktop PCs have become increasingly affordable as a result of industry wide adoption of the architecture of the PC introduced in 1981. Although it has become feasible to provide virtually every office worker with a PC, it is more cost effective for PC users to share files and common peripherals such as printers, facsimile boards, modems, and scanners. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, many companies began programs of linking or networking multiple PCs into a unified system.

The local area network (LAN) was created in response to the need for a standardized system of linking computers together in a company. The most common method used to connect computers to a network is by means of coaxial cables. Newer generation networks use fiber optical connections. When computers are not in close physical proximity, networks may use microwave radio or infrared radiation to link the computers. Microwave radio requires a dish antenna for transmission and reception; infrared radiation requires a lens for transmission and a mirror and lens for reception. Other methods used for wide area networking include telephone and communications satellite linkage.

The need for computer connectivity has established the usefulness of the peripheral device known as the modem. Modems permit two computers to communicate by telephone in order to access databases, transmit files, upload and download facsimile transmissions, and send and receive electronic mail. Early transmission speeds using this equipment were relatively slow—300 baud[2]. Some modems now operate at speeds of more than 50,000 baud and have error checking and data compression features.

Text materials in typed or printed form can be input directly into a computer by means of a scanner. To read text, optical character recognition (OCR) software must first be used to convert printed documents electronically into computer readable files. Scanners obviate the need to rekey printed text in order to input it; they can also be used to input graphic material.

Computer Printers

A considerable volume of office computer output is via the printer. Among the earliest printers used with PCs in business offices were daisy wheel and thimble printers, so called because of the shape of their printing elements[3]. Although their type quality was comparable to that of a typewriter, they were slow and could accommodate only text, not graphic materials. As a result, they have been supplanted in most offices by dot-matrix, ink jet, and laser printers.[4]The dot matrix printer may have a 9 or 24 pin print head. The pins impact the paper through a ribbon, creating patterns of dots in the shape of letters and numbers in multiple fonts and type sizes. The ink jet printer, an advance over the dot matrix, provides both high resolution (the higher the resolution, the better the print quality) and quiet operation. The laser printer represents an even greater advance. Similar in technology to a photocopier[5], it offers speed, high resolution of 300 dots or more per inch, ability to reproduce complex graphics, and silent operation—all of which make it virtually essential for desktop publishing.

Electronic Mail (E-mail)

E-mail has become a key part of the communication networks of most modern offices. Data and messages can be transmitted from one computer to another using telephone lines, microwave links, communications satellites, or other telecommunications equipment. The same message can be sent to a number of different addresses. E-mail is sent through a company's own LAN or beyond, through a nationwide or worldwide communications network. E-mail services use a central computer to store messages and data and to route them to their intended destination. With a subscription to a public E-mail network, an individual PC user needs only a modem and a telephone to send and receive written or vocal messages. Because of the huge amount of E-mail that can be generated, systems have been developed to screen mail[6]for individual users.

Voice Mail

A specialized type of E-mail system, voice mail, is a relatively simple, computer linked technology for recording, storing, retrieving, and forwarding phone messages. It is called voice mail, or voice messaging, because the messages are spoken and left in a voice mailbox. The telephone doubles as a computer terminal, but instead of presenting the information on a computer screen, the system reads it over the phone line, using prerecorded voice vocabulary. The systems are based on special purpose computer chips and software that convert human speech into bits of digital code. These digitized voices are stored on magnetic disks, from which they can be instantaneously retrieved. Callers are offered a menu of choices, and the messages they select are played; they can leave messages in voice mailboxes, or they can access huge computer databases.

Desktop Publishing

Desktop Publishing is the use of a computer and specialized software to combine text and graphics to create a document that can be printed on either a laser printer or a typesetting machine. Desktop publishing is a multiple step process involving various types of software and equipment. The original text and illustrations are generally produced with software such as word processors and drawing and painting programs and with photograph scanning equipment and digitizers. The finished product is then transferred to a page makeup program, which is the software most people think of as the actual desktoppublishing software. This type of program enables the user to lay out text and graphics on the screen and see what the results will be: for refining parts of the document, these programs often include word processing and graphics features in addition to layout capabilities. As a final step, the finished document is printed either on a laser printer or, for the best quality, by typesetting equipment.


[1] With the increasing incorporation of microchips and microcircuitry into office equipment: incorporation of sth. into sth. else = to incorporate sth. into sth. else, 意为“将……结合进……”。本句可译为:随着微型芯片和微型电路越来越多地进入办公设备,计算机与其他设备之间的界线已不那么分明了。

[2] baud:波特(通信中的符号传输速率单位,每秒传输一个符号称为1波特)。

[3] Among the earliest printers used with PCs in business offices were daisy wheel and thimble printers, so called because of the shape of their printing elements.本句为倒装句,原句应为:Daisy wheel and thimble printers were among the earliest printers used with PCs in business offices... "so called" 为形容词,引出状语,表示伴随情况,对主语进一步说明。

[4] dot-matrix, ink jet, and laser printers:点阵,喷墨,激光打印机。

[5] Similar in technology to a photocopier,...: similar to...: 与……类似或相似;类似于……。此处由形容词短语做状语,表示原因。

[6] to screen mail:筛选或过滤邮件。

Choose the best answer for each of the following:

Due to a shortage of shipping space, we () deliver these machines () December.

A.can, except

B.can, in

C.cannot, unless

D.cannot, until

According to the way of felling, there are two types of mechanized felling machines, they are ______

A. drive-to-tree machines and swing-to-tree machines.

B. three-wheel machines and four-wheel machines.

C. skidding machines and forwarding machines.

Some Stanislaus County farmers are having a tough time harvesting their crops because of a
shortage of workers. For years Vito Chiesa, who farms near Hughson, has grown peaches, but these days he s replacing them with almonds (杏仁). " This is where I started losing peaches," he pointed out to NewslO reporter Tim Daly. "Just like that, we got the bulldozers(推土机)and pushed. You re going to see almonds out there next year." Farmers can t find enough workers to handle crops like peaches that require careful hand picking because machines would damage the ripe peaches and then the farmer could not sell them. Some farmers will soon switch to growing almonds. Almonds are harvested differently. They require fewer workers because trees are mechanically shaken. The almonds fall on the ground and then are gathered up. The farmer does not have to hire many workers to pick the almonds off the trees. Some farmers think there are a couple of reasons for the labor shortage, which is even worse in the southern Central Valley. One is that workers make higher wages doing construction work and there is plenty of that in the Central Valley. Another is that since the September 11, 2001 attacks, there is more enforcement at the state s border with Mexico, resulting in fewer workers coming into California. One solution might be to allow Mexican workers to work here as guests, so people who want to work and contribute to the economy of the U.S. can have the opportunity to provide for themselves and family. That would also help the farm labor situation without making the country less secure. Farmers say that unless things change, more produce will come from South America and China where labor is cheap and there is more competition.

The farmers are reported to have difficulty in______.

A.hiring harvest workers

B.selecting the right fruit to grow

C.selling their farm produce

D.changing their way of farming

Then arose the question where and when we were to get the machines needed.()
Vector computers ______. A.appear as single instruction stream over multiple data streams machines

Vector computers ______.

A.appear as single instruction stream over multiple data streams machines

B.are equipped with scalar but not vector hardware

C.are provided with vector but not scalar hardware

D.are called sequential machine

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