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We can see from the passage that______.A.once you are hired as a junior official, you can

We can see from the passage that______.

A.once you are hired as a junior official, you can get an endlessly rising salary

B.the government guarantee a relatively high salary for the successful candidates

C.working as junior officials is easy but very meaningful

D.the competition for the job as junior officials is very fierce

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更多“We can see from the passage th…”相关的问题
From the passage we can see that the writer______the Death Valley.A.appreciatesB.is fearfu

From the passage we can see that the writer______the Death Valley.


B.is fearful of


D.is tired of

We can infer from the passage that______.A.the stars we see now no longer existB.stars are

We can infer from the passage that______.

A.the stars we see now no longer exist

B.stars are much farther away from us than the sun

C.telescopes enable us to see stars as they actually are

D.like human beings, stars are born and die

What can we learn from Servals words in Paragraph 3?A.You will find it enjoyable to see a

What can we learn from Servals words in Paragraph 3?

A.You will find it enjoyable to see a dentist.

B.You should see your dentist on a day-to-day basis.

C.You can brush with the Kolibree as if guided by a dentist.

D.You"d like a dentist to watch you brush your teeth every day.

From the survey,we can see that_____.A.TV has become the major source of news B.

From the survey,we can see that_____.

A.TV has become the major source of news

B.newspapers are no longer the major source of news

C.more than half of the 18-to-34-year-olds visit Internet news sites daily

D.new technologies can still not replace the traditional ones

From the passage we can see that astronomy is ______.A.the life experience of great menB.t

From the passage we can see that astronomy is ______.

A.the life experience of great men

B.the movement of the stars and the planets

C.the scientific study of natural objects in space

D.the theories developed by scientists of old times

We can easily see that ______.A.following some social norms is required by lawB.every pers

We can easily see that ______.

A.following some social norms is required by law

B.every person in America follows the social norms

C.social norms do not change from decade to decade

D.cultural values are the same for every society

What message can we get from the last paragraph ?A.American football might develop in diff

What message can we get from the last paragraph ?

A.American football might develop in different places.

B.American football is supposed to be changeable.

C.American football will have its own rules.

D.American football might see changes in the years to come.

Choose from f- j to match 26 - 30

26. Could you send us a price list regarding your chromium plated domestic products?

27. I appreciate your advice on some problems we are experiencing with the equipment we ordered from you 3 months ago.

28. Would it be possible for you to arrange for us to see your products sometime this month?

29. Mr Nick Adams of Aiko Corporation has referred us to you for information concerning his standing.

30. The Stenogram is efficient , dependable , timesaving and economical.

f. Excessive humidity can seriously affect the operation of the equipment.

g. If it is possible. we should like to arrange a demonstration by the end of this month.

h. For fjfty-two weeks in the year it works hard for you , without lunch breaks or holidays.

i. We welcome the opportunity to report favorably on his company.

j. Prices quoted are inclusive of transportation costs.

Care for Our Mother Earth (Dr. McKinley1 of AwarenessMagazine2 interviews a group of experts on en

Care for Our Mother Earth

(Dr. McKinley1ofAwarenessMagazine2interviews a group of experts on environmental issues.)

Dr. McKinley: What do you think is the biggest threat to the environment today? Aman Motwane3: The biggest threat to our environment today is the way we, as human beings, see our environment. How we see our environment shapes our whole world. Most of us see everything as independent from one another. But the reality is that everything is part of one interconnected, interrelated whole. For example, a tree may appear isolated, but in fact it affects and is affected by everything in its environment-sunshine, rain, wind, birds, minerals, other plants and trees, you, me. The tree shapes the wind that blows around it; it is also shaped by that wind. Look at the relationship between the tree and its environment and you will see the future of the tree. Most of us are blind to this interconnectedness of everything. This is why we don't see the consequences of our actions. It is time for each of us to open our eyes and see the world as it really is — one complete whole where every cause has an effect.

Dr. McKinley: Hello Dr. Semkiw. In your research, what environmental issues do you find most pressing? Walter Semkiw: Two environmental issues that we find most pressing are deforesting and global warming. Mankind has now cut down half of the trees that existed 10 000 years ago. The loss of trees upsets the ecosystem as trees are necessary to build topsoil, maintain rainfall in dry climates, purify underground water and to convert carbon dioxide to oxygen. Trees bring water up from the ground, allowing water to evaporate into the atmosphere. The evaporated water then returns as rain, which is vital to areas that are naturally dry. Areas downwind of deforested lands lose this source of rainfall and are transformed into deserts. Global warming results from the burning of fossil fuels, such as petroleum products, resulting in the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases then trap heat, resulting in warming of our atmosphere.

Dr. McKinley: Mr. Nacson, thanks for participating all the way from Australia! What do you suggest the readers of Awareness Magazine can do to help the environmental problem?

Leon Nacson5: The simplest way to help the environment is not

to impact on it. Tread as lightly as you can, take as little as possible, and put back as much as you can.

Dr. McKinley: What is your specific area of concern regarding the current and future state of the environment?

Leon Nacson: Air and water pollution are our Number One priorities. It is hard to understand that we are polluting the air we breathe and the water we drink. These are two elements that are not inexhaustible, and we must realize that once we reach the point of no return, there will be nothing left for future generations.

Dr. McKinley: Mr. Desai, what an honor it is to have this opportunity to interview you. Can you please share your wisdom with our readers and tell us where you see the environmental crisis heading?

Amrit Desai6: We are not separate from the problem. We are the problem. We live divided lives. On one hand, we ask industries to support our greed for more and more conveniences, comfort

and possessions. We have become addicted consumers, which causes industrial waste. At the same time, we ignore the connection between our demands and the exploitation of Mother Earth. When we are greedy for more than what we need for our well-being, we always abuse the resources of our body and the earth. We are nurtured by the healthy condition of Mother Earth. In humans, if the mother is ailing, the child suffers. We are the cause of the ailing planet and we are the victims.

Dr. McKinley: In closing, I thank all of the participants. I have learned a great deal about what I can do as an individual to help the environment. I hope these interviews encourage the readers of Awareness Magazine to take action and develop your own strategy. Too many of us just sit back and say "I'll let the experts deal with it." Meanwhile, we are killing the planet. My aim of this interview is to show how one person can make a difference' Thanks to all for offering your wisdom.

Few Americans remain in one position or one place for a lifetime. We moving from town to c
ity to suburb, from high school to college in a different state, from a job in one region to a better job elsewhere, from the home where we raise our children to the home where we plan to live in retirement. With each moving we are forever making new friends, who become part of our new life at that time.

For many of us summer is a special time for forming new friendships. Today millions of Americans vacation abroad, and they go not only to see new sights but also with the hope of meeting new people. No one really expects a vacation trip to produce a close friend, but the beginning of a friendship is possible.

The word "friend" can be applied to a wide range of relationships—to someone one has known for a few weeks in a new place, to a fellow worker, to a childhood playmate, to a man or woman, to a trusted confidant (知己) .

The reasons why many Americans move from place to place are as follows except______.

A.saving money

B.getting a better job

C.going to college

D.finding a place to spend the rest of the life

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