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Even when he was in primary school, he had a great liking for football.

Even when he was in primary school, hehad a great liking forfootball.

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更多“Even when he was in primary sc…”相关的问题
Someone feels _________ even when he is with many friends.A、lonelyB、aloneC、on lonelyD、in

Someone feels _________ even when he is with many friends.



C、on lonely

D、in alone

He had no plans to retire _______he is now very comfortably off.

(A) until

(B) when

(C) because

(D) even though

Someone feels _________ even when he is with many people.A.lonelyB.aloneC.on lonelyD.in



C.on lonely

D.in alone

Even if the buyer uses an official order form. when placing an order, he should send
a covering letter confirming terms of payment, discounts, delivery and packing.()

What does Robert Frost mean when he says that “I dropped to an everyday level of dicti
on that even [William] Wordsworth kept above.”

A.Robert Frost uses everyday language in his poetic writing.

B.Both Frost and Wordsworth use everyday language in their poetic writing.

C.Robert Frost uses a poetic language which is even simpler than William Wordsworth’s.

D.Both Frost and Wordsworth use simple language in their poetic writing.

Feelings of love may wax and wane during a relationship, but trust is constant. Infidelity is the mo
st devastating betrayal of trust a couple can experience. That survey found that when one partner had sex outside the relationship, the couple were more likely to break up. Even a little bit of infidelity can set forces in motion that eventually wrech a marriage. Only when we trust our lover to be faithful and know that he or she can trust us do we fell comfortable and at peace with our own conduct and our relationship.
The silence of the forest was more oppressive than the heat, and at this hour of the day t
here was not even the whine of insects. Only when Jack himself roused a gaudy bird from a primitive nest of sticks was the silence shattered and echoes set ringing by a harsh cry that seemed to come out of the abyss of ages. Jack himself shrank at this cry with a hiss of indrawn breath, and for a minute became less a hunter than a furtive thing, ape-like among the tangle of trees. Then the trail, the frustration , claimed him again and he searched the ground avidly. By the trunk of a vast tree that grew pale flowers on its grey bark he checked, closed his eyes, and once more drew in the warm air; and this time his breath came short, there was even a passing pallor in his face, and then the surge of bolls again. He passed like a shadow under the darkness of the tree and crouched, looking down at the trodden ground at his; feet. Questions:

This excerpt is from lard of the Flies (1954). Who is the author? Make a brief introduction to the novel.

Arabs consider it extremely bad manners to start talking business immediately. Even the busiest government officials always take extra time to be polite and offer refreshments. No matter how busy

195. Arabs consider it extremely bad manners to start talking business immediately. Even the busiest government officials always take extra time to be polite and offer refreshments. No matter how busy you are, you should make time for this hospitality. The conference visit is a way of doing business throughout the Arab world. Frequently, you will have to discuss your business in the presence of strangers, who may or may not have anything to do with your business. Do not be surprised if your meeting is interrupted several times by people who come into the room unannounced, whisper, or speak softly to the person with whom you are talking, and leave. Act as though you do not hear, and never show displeasure at being interrupted. When an Arab says “yes”, he may mean “maybe”. When he says “maybe”, he probably means “no”, you will seldom get a direct “no” from an Arab because it is considered impolite. Instead of “no”, he will say “inshallah”, which means, “if God is willing”. On the other hand, ‘‘yes” does not necessarily mean “yes”. A smile and a slow nod might seem like an agreement, but in fact, your host is being polite. An Arab considers it impolite to disagree with a guest. [共5题]

(1) The main purpose of this article is to explain ________.

(A) why you need extra time when you visit Arab countries

(B) how to be polite when doing business in the Arab world

(C) why Arab officials are so busy

(D) what Arabs say when doing business

(2) According to the passage, which of the following would be considered polite?

(A) You leave angrily because of interruptions.

(B) You demand an immediate decision.

(C) You refuse a cup of tea and show pictures of your product right away.

(D) You look out of the window while a stranger comes in to speak with the host.

(3) From the passage, we know that ________.

(A) when an Arab wants to say “yes”, he often says “maybe”

(B) all Arab seldom disagrees with a guest to his face

(C) when an Arab agrees, a smile and a slow nod will be given

(D) “inshallab” is an English word

(4) Which of the following is NOT an Arab custom?

(A) To dislike being interrupted during their meeting.

(B) Often to give you a vague answer.

(C) Seldom to say “no” directly.

(D) Seldom hesitate to start talking business in the presence of strangers.

(5) The writer of this passage has probably ________.

(A) never been to the Arab world

(B) been against the Arab customs

(C) worked in the Arab world

(D) liked the Arab customs

Read the following paragraphThe most depressing thing about an illness is the sense of b

Read the following paragraph

The most depressing thing about an illness is the sense of being left out or brushed aside by it from the mainstream of living. When a person is ill, he cannot keep up with the world of healthy people. Life begins to occur without him. Even language seems to change. What is said to a sick person does not involve him, and therefore he begins to interpret it differently. He loses touch with the outer, healthy world. His sense of isolation is increased rather than lessened by the regular visits of the doctor. The doctor labels the sick person’s disease and confines him to his special place. With tact and skill, the doctor completes the patient’s helplessness and makes final his division from the world of strong arms, sound legs, clear skin, and lungs that breathe deeply. The sick person’s only hope is to return to life again, and he clings to the thought of getting well.

(qtd. from Kathleen E. Sullivan, Paragraph Practice, p.125)



Let us ask what were the preparation and training Abraham Lincoln had for oratory whether
political or forensic.

Born in rude and abject poverty, he never had any education, except what he gave himself, till he was approaching manhood. Not even books wherewith to inform. and train his mind were within his reach. No school, no university, no legal faculty had any part in training his powers. When he became a lawyer and a politician, the years most favorable to continuous study had already passed, and the opportunities he found for reading were very scanty. He knew but few authors in general literature, though he knew those few thoroughly. He taught himself a little mathematics, but he could read no language save his own, and had only the faintest acquaintance with European history or with any branch of philosophy.

The want of regular education was not made up for by the persons among whom his lot was cast. Until he was a grown man, he never moved in any society from which he could learn those things with which the mind of an orator was to be stored. Even after he had gained some legal practice, there was for many years no one for him to mix with except the petty practitioners of a petty town, men nearly all of whom knew little more than he did himself.

Schools gave him nothing, and society gave him nothing. But he had a powerful intellect and a resolute will. Isolation fostered not only self-reliance but the habit of reflection, and, indeed, of prolonged and intense, reflection. He made all that he knew a part of himself. His convictions were his own—clear and coherent. He was not positive or opinionated and he did not deny that at certain moments he pondered and hesitated long before he decided' on his course. But though he could keep a policy in suspense, waiting for events to guide him, he did not waver. He paused and reconsidered, but it was never his way to go back on a decision once more or to waste time in vain regrets so that all he had expected had not been attained. He took advice readily and left many things to his ministers; but he did not lean on his advisers. Without vanity or ostentation, he was always independent, self-contained, prepared to take full responsibility for his acts.

The implication of the second paragraph is that Abraham Lincoln______

A.was illiterate

B.was never educated

C.was never provided with any regular education

D.behaved rudely when he was young

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