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Historians of womens labor in the United States at first largely disregarded the story of

female. service workers—women earning wages in occupations such as salesclerk. domestie servant ,and office secretary. These historians focused instead on factory work ,primarily becouse it seemed so different from traditional. unpaid "women&39;s work". in the home.and because the underlying economie forces of industrialism were presumed to be gender blind and hence emancipatory(解放的) in efect. Unfortunately. emancipation has been less profound than expected,for not even industrial wage labor has escaped continued sex segregation(隔离) in the workplace. To explain this unfinished tevolution in the status of women. Historiens have recently begun to emphasize the way a prevailing definition of femininity often determines the kinds of work allocated to women.even when such allocation is inappropriate to new conditions.For instance.early textile-mill entrepreneurs,in justilying women&39;s employment in wage labor. made much of the assumption that women were by nature skillful at detailed tasks and patient in carrying out repetitive chores; the mill owners thus imported into the new industrial order hoary stereotypes associated with the homemaking activities they presumed to have been the purview of women. Because women accepted the more unattractive new industrial tasks more readily than did men. such jobs came to be regarded as female jobs.And employers. who assumed that women&39;s "real" aspirations were for marriage and family life.declined to pay women. wages commensurate with those of imen. Thus many lower-skilled , lower-paid.less secute jobs came to be perceived as "female".

Job segregation by sex in the United States was____.

A.justified by early textile mill owners

B.one means’for women to achieve greater job security

C.reluctantly challenged by employers

D.a constant source of labor unrest in the young textile industry

Historians of womens labor focused on factory work as a more promising area of research than service-sector work because factory work_____.A.involved the payment of higher wages

B.required skill in detailed tasks

C.was assumed to be less characterized by sex segregation

D.was more readily accepted by women than by men

It can be inferred trom the passage that early historians of women’s labor in the United States paid little attention to womens employment in the service sector of the economy because______ .A.fewer women found employment in the service sector than in factory work

B.the wages paid to workers in the service sector were much lower than those paid in the industrial sector.

C.womens employment in the service sector tended to be much more short-term than in factory work

D.employment in the service sector seemed to have much in common with the unpaid work associated with homemaking

The early mill owners____.A.hoped that by creating relatively unattractive female jobs they would discourage women from losing interest in marriage and family life

B.sought to keep womens wages low by intereasing the size of the available labor force

C.argued that women were inherently suited to do well in particular kinds of factory work

D.thought that factory work bettered the condition of women by emancipating them from dependence on income earned by men.


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更多“Historians of womens labor in …”相关的问题
Researchers at Womens Hospital in Boston will______.A.make a follow-up study of the same 3

Researchers at Womens Hospital in Boston will______.

A.make a follow-up study of the same 37 subjects

B.spend more money making flavanol drinks

C.take more time to test Small"s results

D.do similar experiments on a larger scale

By the end of the 7th century England was divided into a number of kingdoms, considered by historians to have been seven and therefore the ____.

B.the Seven Kingdoms

C.the Kingdoms

D.the Seven Kings

The historians searched the local record in an attempt t0.A.prove the truthfulness of Robi

The historians searched the local record in an attempt t0.

A.prove the truthfulness of Robin Hood story

B.look for the birth place of Robin Hood

C.establish connection between Robin Hood and Hereward the Wake

D.disclose the person who created the legendary Robin Hood

It can be inferred from the passage that early historians of women’s labor in the
United States paid little attention to women’s employment in the service sector of the economy because________.

A.fewer women found employment in the service sector than in factory work

B.the wages paid to workers in the service sector were much lower than those paid in the industrial sector

C.women’s employment in the service sector tended to be much more short—term than in factory work

D.employment in the service sector seemed to have much in common with the unpaid work associated with homemaking

Historians have only recently begun io note the increase in demand for luxury goods and se
crviccs that took place in eighteenth century England. McKendrick has explored the Wedgwood firm&39;s remarkable success in marketing luxury pottery. Plumb has written about the proliftration(繁荣的) of provincial theater,music festivals and children&39;s toys and books. While the fact of this consumer revolution is hardly in doubt.three key question remain:Who were the consumers? What were their motives? And what were the effects of the new demand for luxuries? An answer to the first of these has been difficult io obtain. Although it has possible to infer from the goods and services actually produced what manufacturers and servicing trades thought their customers wanted,only a study of relevant personal documents written by actual consumer will provide a precise picture of who want what. We still need to know how large consumer market was and how far down the social scale the consumer demand for luxury good penetrated. With regard to last question,we might note in passing that Thompson, while rightly restoring laboring people to the stage of eighteenth century English history,has probably exaggerated the opposition of these people to the inroads of capitalist consumerism in general:for example,laboring people in eightcenth-century England readily shifted from home-brewed beer to standardized beer produced by huge.heavily capitalized urban breweries(啤酒厂). To answer the question of why consumers became so eager to buy,some historians have pointed to the ability of manufacturers to advertise in a relatively uncensored press.This,however,hardly seems a suficient answer.McKendriek favors a Veblen model of conspicuous consumption stimulated by competition for status. The"middling sort”bought goods and services because they wanted to follow fashions set by the rich, Again, we may wonder whether this explanation is sufficient. Do not people enjoy buying things as a form. of self-gratification? If so, consumerism could be seen as a product of the rise of new concepts of individualism and materialism, but not necessarily of the frenzy for conspicuous competition. Finally, what were the consequences of this consumer demand for luxuries? McKen-drick claims that it goes a long way toward explaining the coming of the Industrial Revolution. But doesit? What, for example , does the production of high-quality-pottery and toys have to do with the development of iron manufacture or textile mills? It is perfectly possi-ble to have the psychology and reality of a consumer society without a heavy industrial sector. That future exploration of these key questions is undoubtedly necessary should not.however, diminish the force of the conclusion of recent studies:the insatiable(不能满足的)demand in eighteenth-century England for frivolous as well as useful goods and services foreshadows our own world.

In the first paragraph, the author mentions McKendrick and Plumb most probably in order to

A.contrast their views on the subject of luxury consumerism in eighteenth-century England

B.indicate the inadequacy of historiography approaches to eighteenth-century English history

C.give examples of historians who have helped to establish the fact of growing consumerism in eighteenth-century England

D.support the contention that key questions about eighteenth-century-consumerism remain to be answered

Which of the following items, if preserved from eighteenth-century England,would provide an example of the kind of documents mentioned in paragraph 2?A.A written agreement between a supplier of raw materials and a supplier of luxury goods.

B.A diary that mentions luxury goods and services purchased by its author.

C.A theater ticket stamped with the date and name of a particular play.

D.A newspaper advertisement describing luxury goods and services available at a seaside resort.

In the third paragraph, the author is primarily concerned with_____.A.contrasting two theses and offering a compromise

B.questioning two explanations aná proposing a possible alternative to them

C.paraphrasing the work of two historians and questioning their assumptions

D.raising several questions but implying that they cannot be answered

According to the passage a Veblen model of conspicuous consumption has been used to____A.investigate the extent of the demand for luxury goods among social classes in eighteenth-century England

B.classify the kinds of luxury goods desired by eighteenth-century consumers

C.explain the motivation of eighteenth century consumers to buy luxury goods

D.establish the extent to which the tastes of rich consumers were shaped by the middle classes in eighteenth century England


Can eating a chocolate bar every day really prevent age-related memory loss? People would
say "No". Can eating chocolate cake for breakfast, lunch and dinner be good for your heart? Again, they would say "No" , because that would be too good to be true. But new research shows that large amounts of flavanols(黄烷醇), substances found in cocoa(可可), tea and some vegetables, may reverse age-related memory failure. Another study is looking to see if high levels of cocoa flavanols can help prevent heart attacks and strokes. Flavanols found in dark chocolate are known to increase blood flow in the part of the brain that controls memory. They also help prevent heart disease by lowering blood pressure and " bad" cholesterol (腱固醇). A new study published online found that cocoa flavanols reverse minor memory loss in older adults. Dr. Scott Small, a professor at Columbia University, is the lead writer of a research paper describing the effects of cocoa flavanols on brain activity. The study involved 37 volunteers aged between 50 and 69. Researchers gave them a high-level flavanol drink made from cocoa beans or a low-level flavanol drink. For a period of three months, some subjects got 900mg of flavanol a day while the others got 10mg. Brain imaging and memory tests were given to each subject before and after the study. Dr. Small says that the subjects who had the high-level flavanol drink showed much improvement on memory tests. The researchers warn that more work is needed because this study was performed on a small group. Researchers at Womens Hospital in Boston recently announced plans to do just that.

The first paragraph indicates that

A.eating chocolate is good for one"s heart

B.people doubt the good effect of eating chocolate

C.eating chocolate may prevent memory loss

D.people should not eat too much chocolate

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