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Since 1949, great changes have taken place in China. Yet, the Chinese language has changed

relatively little in terms of its basic syntax and phonology although some vocabulary changes, such as in forms of address, e. g. tongzhi(同志), xiaojie(小姐), and xiansheng(先生), have occurred. How does this fact(that the world view of a people has changed radically but the language has changed little)relate to the claim that knowing and using a particular language shapes ones world view?

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更多“Since 1949, great changes have…”相关的问题
A great many changes have taken place in China since the policy of reform. and opening
to the outside world.英译汉

It was with great joy _____ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found.





The recession of 2007–2009 is considered to be the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and the subsequent economic recovery one of the weakest.()
Great changes ______ place in my hometown since 1978. a. have been taken

A. have been taken

B. had taken

C. took

D. have taken

五四运动所进行的文化革命则是彻底地反对封建文化的运动 ,自有中国历史以来,还没有这样伟大而

A、The cultural revolution, ushered in by the May 4th Movement and had been a great and thoroughgoing one since the dawn of Chinese history, was uncompromising in its opposition to feudal culture.

B、The cultural revolution ushered in by the May 4th Movement was uncompromising in its opposition to feudal culture; there had never been such a great and thoroughgoing cultural revolution since the dawn of Chinese history.

C、The May 4th Movement ushered in the cultural revolution which was completely opposed to feudal culture. These had never been such a great and complete revolution since the beginning of Chinese history.

D、Since the beginning of Chinese history, there had never been such a great complete cultural revolution, which was completely opposed to feudal culture during the May 4th Movement.

Music, __(1)__, is the art of organizing sounds.

Music, __(1)__, is the art of organizing sounds. Music is a rhythmic poem that inspires, a __(2)__ tone that tranquilizes, and a melody of mystery and beauty. There are many kinds of music. Since we have different ideas of what is beautiful, we have our choices __(3)__ the magnificent compositions of music masters like Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, and Wagner, to the popular songs and tunes of the common music-hall. Only people of __(4)__ musical taste can appreciate the former, and only they find __(5)__ pleasure in the latter, while the common people are bored with what is called classical music, and find pleasure only __(6)__ what musicians would call vulgar tunes. However, good music often has a wonderful __(7)__ upon the feelings of even ignorant people. One poet has said, “Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast.” Soft and sweet music soothes __(8)__ wearied, ________ sad, ________ restless, and __(9)__ music will fill strong men with great ambitions; the regimental band puts courage into the hearts of troops; the solemn hymns fill the worshippers with reverence. Indeed, as the poet Dryden once asked, “What passion cannot music __(10)__and quell?”

Cement Co is a company specialising in the manufacture of cement, a product used in the bu
ilding industry. The company has found that when weather conditions are good, the demand for cement increases since more building work is able to take place. Last year, the weather was so good, and the demand for cement was so great, that Cement Co was unable to meet demand. Cement Co is now trying to work out the level of cement production for the coming year in order to maximise profits. The company doesn’t want to miss out on the opportunity to earn large profits by running out of cement again. However, it doesn’t want to be left with large quantities of the product unsold at the end of the year, since it deteriorates quickly and then has to be disposed of. The company has received the following estimates about the probable weather conditions and corresponding demand levels for the coming year:

Each bag of cement sells for $9 and costs $4 to make. If cement is unsold at the end of the year, it has to be disposed of at a cost of $0·50 per bag.

Cement Co has decided to produce at one of the three levels of production to match forecast demand. It now has to decide which level of cement production to select.


(a) Construct a pay off table to show all the possible profit outcomes. (8 marks)

(b) Decide the level of cement production the company should choose, based on the following decision rules:

(i) Maximin (1 mark)

(ii) Maximax (1 mark)

(iii) Expected value (4 marks)

You must justify your decision under each rule, showing all necessary calculations.

(c) Describe the ‘maximin’ and ‘expected value’ decision rules, explaining when they might be used and the attitudes of the decision makers who might use them. (6 marks)

Chinese Buddhist Music Catches Audience in HK 中华佛教音乐吸引香港听众The Hong Kong Cultur

Chinese Buddhist Music Catches Audience in HK


The Hong Kong Cultural Center in Victoria Bay was packed on Thursday night, and loud applause periodically echoed through the neon lit sky. It was not rock music nor was it pop—it was traditional Chinese Buddhist music that made an instant hit in the modern metropolis.

Hong Kong is the fourth leg of the Buddhist music performance tour by a troupe consisting of more than 130 monks from the Chinese mainland and Taiwan. And this is also the first time monks from across the Taiwan Strait had jointly set up a troupe to perform, on global stages.

Crowds of Hong King residents were lining up at the local port waiting to welcome members of the troupe who were sailing in from Macao, where they had just ended another successful performance on Wednesday night.

The monks returned the enthusiasm of the residents with a powerful performance. Almost without sleep, the monks drove to the concert hall preparing the stage and doing the rehearsals.

Buddhist music, which originated from ancient India, found its way into China some 2,000 years ago, and after absorbing elements of traditional Chinese folk music, court music and other religious music, a unique form. which is now called Chinese Buddhist music came into being.

The monks of the troupe come from prestigious Buddhist temples including Fo Guang Shah Temple in Taiwan, Shaolin Temple in central Henan Province, Labrang Temple in northwestern Gansu Province, and General Temple in southwestern Yunnan Province, representing the three branches of Buddhism in China, namely Chinese Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism and Pali Buddhism.

The wind sweeping across the Victoria Bay was cool, but the atmosphere in the concert hall was hot. The audience was mesmerized by the great variety of genres of Chinese Buddhist music.

"It's great to see so many genres of Chinese Buddhist music performed on the same stage," said a female bank employee surnamed Chang, "It's so fascinating," she said.

Calling it a happy event in Hong Kong, the Venerable Kwok Kuang, president of the Hong Kong Buddhist Association, said that the concert served as a prelude to the display, in Hong Kong on May 26, of a relic from Famen Temple preserved in Xi'an, capital of northwest China's Shaanxi Province.

He said that Buddhism and Buddhist music in the Chinese mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong had the same roots, and through the performance by monks from across the Taiwan Strait, the traditional religious art would be further developed and bring more happiness to the Chinese.

Co-sponsored by the Chinese Buddhism Association of China and Fo Guang Shan Temple in Taiwan, the troupe was formed in February this year and has since staged four successful performances in Taiwan and Macao, and will move on to Los Angeles and San Francisco in the US and Vancouver of Canada from Friday.

Hailing the joint performance as a major event in the history of Buddhism, Hsin Ting, deputy chief of the troupe and abbot of Fo Guang Shan, said that both the monks and the support staff had been working together very harmoniously ever since the formation of the troupe, indicating their inherited strong ties.

"I hope the troupe's tour to North America will help the world community better understand Chinese traditional culture, especially the harmonious relationships among the people across the Taiwan Strait," he said.

How was the Chinese Buddhist music troupe received in Hong Kong?

A.It was welcomed like any other rock or pop music bands.

B.It was not as welcome as rock or pop music bands.

C.It was so welcome that it would visit Hong Kong for the fourth time.

D.It caused a great sensation among the local people.

There is no doubt that adults, and even highly educated adults, vary gready in the speed a
nd efficiency of their reading. Some proceed very slowly throughout; others dash along too quickly and then have to regress. Poor readers in particular may lack the ability to vary their manner of reading according to the type of reading matter and to their intentions in reading it. A good reader can move at great speed through the text of a novel or similar light reading matter. He may be able to skim a page, picking up a word or two here and there, and gain a general idea of what the text is about without really reading it. In reading more difficult material, with the intention of taking in the whole of it, he will proceed more slowly, but even then he will vary his pace, concentrating on the key words and passages , perhaps re-reading them several times and pass more quickly over the remainder. A less efficient reader tends to maintain the same speed whatever the material he reads.Consequendy, even light reading matter gives him little pleasure because he reads so slowly. But this pace may be too fast for really difficult material which requires special concentration at difficult points. A type of reading which necessitates careful attention to detail is proofreading, in which the reader, in order to detect misprints in a sample print, has to notice not so much the meaning of what he reads as the exact shape and order of letters and words in the text. This is extremely difficult for most people, since they are accustomed to overlooking such details. In fact, considerable practice is required to practice this task efficiently and it can be done only by reading very slowly, and by paying comparatively litde attention to the general meaning of the text.

The author claims that there is a difference in reading speed______.

A.among readers who have different experience

B.among all the readers

C.between the poorly educated and the highly educated

D.among the highly educated people

Benjamin Disraeli, the famous nineteenth century prime minister, said, "London is
not a city, - it is a nation." Today this is an understatementLondon, with its vast range of different ethnic groups, is a world. Certainly, London is the most culturally diverse city in the world. The city was founded by the Romans and since then new arrivals have constantly added to its character and prosperity. Within 10 years 40% of Londoners will be from ethnic minority groups, including the growing number of Londoners of mixed ethnic origin, but most of them will have been born in Britain. Children of Caribbean-Chinese marriages will go to school with children of Russian-Irish couples. None of them will be English but all of them will be Londoners. Most of Britain's ethnic minority residents live in the capital, speaking over 300 languages. Nearly all of the African population and many of the Caribbean population of Britain live in London (83% and 58% respectively)39% of the Chinese population of Britain and 36% of the Asian population of Britain live in London. The largest migrant community is from the Irish Republic with 256,000 people, 3.8% of the total population of London. There are an estimated 330,000 refugees and asylum seekers living in London, with most recent arrivals coming from Eastern Europe, North Africa and Kurdistan. Young people, in particular, are skilled at dealing with a large number of different and hybrid cultures. They themselves often have several different ethnic identities since their parents and grandparents may come from several different backgrounds and their friends and partners do also. They are "skilled cross-cultural travelers" without leaving their home-town.

1.Why does the writer think that Benjamin Disraeli's statement is an understatement? Because he thinks London is ().

2. London is regarded as the most culturally diverse city in the world due to the following facts EXCEPT that ().

3. Ethnic minority groups will make up () of the London population in the future.

4. The last paragraph mainly tells us in London ().

5. The passage mainly deals with ().

(1).A、a miniature world thanks to its great cultural diversity

B、even larger than some countries in the world

C、not a nation at all

(2).A、within 10 years 40% Londoners will be from ethnic minority groups

B、many young people are immigrants from different backgrounds

C、London accommodates about 330,000 refugees and asylum seekers from many other countries




(4).A、young people feel at ease with a large number of diversified cultures

B、young people are raised in a multicultural environment

C、young people find it hard to adapt themselves to hybrid cultures

(5).A、the advantage of hybrid cultures in London

B、the composition of the population in London

C、the cultural diversity in London

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