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China has taken its historic first step to practically open up its () market to fore

China has taken its historic first step to practically open up its () market to foreign companies.中国在向外国公司开放证券市场方面迈出了历史性的第一步。





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更多“China has taken its historic f…”相关的问题
The writer has not directly stated, but would support the opinion that______.A.Astronauts

The writer has not directly stated, but would support the opinion that______.

A.Astronauts have taken a personal interest in the history of the Great Wall of China

B.the common people of the Qin Dynasty were the ones who provided the labor in constructing the Great Wall

C.work on the Great Wall was started before the Qin Dynasty came into existence

D.the Great Wall of China is a great human achievement and was probably worth the effort it took

The Chamber has an () outlook on China and the implementation of its WTO commitments

The Chamber has an () outlook on China and the implementation of its WTO commitments.商会对中国及其在履行对世贸的承诺方面有着乐观的展望。





According to China's Maritime Code, the responsibilities of the carrier with regard to the (1)

According to China's Maritime Code, the responsibilities of the carrier with regard to the(1)covers the entire period during which the carrier is in charge of the goods, starting from the time the carrier has taken over the goods at the(2), until the goods have been delivered at the(3)The responsibility of the carrier with respect to(4), covers the period during which the carrier is in charge of the goods, starting from the time of loading of the goods onto the ship until the time the goods are discharged(5). During the period the carrier is in care of the goods, the carrier shall be liable for the loss of or damage to the goods.

Not all anniversaries are landmarks. And yet, ten years after China joined the World Trade Organization, it is impossible to overlook the consequences of this momentous


Not all anniversaries are landmarks. And yet, ten years after China joined the World Trade Organization, it is impossible to overlook the consequences of this momentous decision on the global economy.

Those present in 2001 will recall how difficult the negotiation process was, in fact, it was extraordinary that they even reached an agreement.

The US benefited from the deal but it was far from being the biggest winner. China scooped the largest prize. In areas such as agricultural goods, trade liberalization was nothing short of dramatic. By entering the WTO, Beijing could adopt aspects of international commercial law which would have been more difficult to introduce because of domestic constraints.

The sheer size of China's export market is the most powerful testimony to Beijing's success. But other countries benefited too. Since Beijing' s emergence on the stage of world trade, commerce between emerging markets has enjoyed a significant boost. It can only be a good thing that less developed countries are now trading with each other rather than relying only on Western partners.


As for the rich world, the accession of China to the WTO has created new challenges. Consumers have enjoyed cheap Chinese goods. At the same time, European and US companies have struggled to keep pace with ever stiffer competition.

There were also macroeconomic consequences. The low prices of Chinese imports meant that it was easier for central banks in developed countries to meet their inflation targets. This triggered the cuts in interest rates which, in turn, helped to cause an unsustainable credit boom. Now that the bubble has burst, the consequences of China's entry in the trade arena have become painfully apparent.

Ten years on, the future outlook remains mixed. Chinese trade policy still has not evolved sufficiently. Beijing is determined not to let its currency appreciate as it should do. Though there have been modest steps forward in its exchange rate policy, the world's economy is still far from seeing the problems associated with global imbalances resolved.

As for "win-win", well, China is certainly winning. In 2000 it was the world's seventh largest exporter and eighth largest importer of merchandise; in 2010 it was number one and two, respectively. But, as America's increasingly critical assessments of China' s WTO compliance suggests, those trading partners do not always feel like winners. During its relatively brief membership, the world' s second-largest economy has responded to 22 complaints-more than the next three put together.


The WTO Secretariat's China Trade Policy Review 2010 had the following summary. At a time of heightened trade tensions around the world as governments manage the economic consequences of last year' s global recession and 12 percent drop in world trade flows, this Trade Policy Review (TPR) of China has highlighted the valuable role that the WTO' s TPR Mechanism plays by increasing transparency, encouraging consultation and cooperation among WTO Members, and helping to avoid misunderstandings and, ultimately, trade disputes when trade frictions arise.

A well-functioning multilateral trading system has contributed considerably to China's sustainable economic growth and development. The global recession had a substantial adverse impact on China's economy as external demand fell sharply from the end of 2008.

The Government' s response of expansionary fiscal and monetary policies, including a Y4 trillion (1334 of 2008 GDP) stimulus package, helped China's economic growth to rebound in 2009 and made an important contribution to global recovery elsewhere, particularly in the Asia region.


The global economic crisis has reinforced China's determination to transform.its pattern of economic development, including through structural diversification, improving the functioning of the domestic capital market and strengthening social safety nets for the population. Looking ahead, as the Government pursues policies to increase the role of domestic demand in underwriting China' s growth and to encourage the expansion of the services sector, further liberalization of the trade and investment regimes is called for to foster competition and achieve more efficient allocation of resources in the economy.

There was widespread recognition of China's constructive role in resisting protectionist pressures and boosting global demand during the recent economic downturn, appreciation for China's stepped-up involvement in South-South trade and its duty-free scheme for imports from least-developed countries, and acknowledgment that China has continued the gradual liberalization of its trade and investment regimes, although several members felt that this had slowed down compared to its pace in earlier years.

Now match the statements (1-7) to the letter (A, B, C or B).

1. The accession to WTO helps China to make its commercial law more internationally viable.

2. The global economic crisis has made China's determination to transform. its pattern of economic development even stronger.

3. China has made efforts to adjust its foreign exchange rate but the western countries are still not satisfied.

4. As part of the stimulus package, Chinese government made the 4 trillion RMB investment decision towards the end of 2008.

5. It is widely recognized that China has enhanced its involvement in South-South trade and imported more goods from least-developed countries duty-free.

6. WTO's Trade Policy Review Mechanism plays a positive role in increasing transparency, encouraging consultation and cooperation among WTO Members.

7. China's entry to the WTO enabled European and American consumers to enjoy inexpensive Chinese goods, but their companies are meeting with more severe competition.

Since 1949, great changes have taken place in China. Yet, the Chinese language has changed
relatively little in terms of its basic syntax and phonology although some vocabulary changes, such as in forms of address, e. g. tongzhi(同志), xiaojie(小姐), and xiansheng(先生), have occurred. How does this fact(that the world view of a people has changed radically but the language has changed little)relate to the claim that knowing and using a particular language shapes ones world view?

Have a look at Paragraphs 4 to 6 to find out the comparisons made between Russia and China. Then fil
l out the chart below.

Paras. 4-6

Still, there's little dispute that communications will be a key factor separating the winners from the losers. Consider Russia. Because of its strong educational system in mathematics and science, it should thrive in the Information Age. The problem is its national phone system is a rusting antique that dates from the 1930s. To lick this problem, Russia is starting to install optical fiber and has a strategic plan to pump $40 billion into various communications projects. But its economy is stuck in recession and it barely has the money to even scratch the surface of the problem.

Compare that with the mainland of China. Over the next decade, it plans to pour some $100 billion into telecommunications equipment. In a way, China's backwardness is an advantage, because the expansion occurs just as new technologies are becoming cheaper than copper wire systems. By the end of 1995, each of China's provincial capitals except for Lhasa will have digital switches and high-capacity optical fiber links. This means that major cities are getting the basic infrastructure to become major parts of the information superhighway, allowing people to log on to the most advanced services available.

Telecommunications is also a key to Shanghai's dream of becoming a top financial center. To offer peak performance in providing the electronic data and paperless trading global investors expect, Shanghai plans telecommunications networks as powerful as those in Manhattan.

There's little dispute about communications being a key factor separating the winners from the losers.

Russia: A strong educational system in mathematic and science.

China: Backwardness.

Russian development was held up by its national phone system, a rusting antique.

China takes advantage of its backwardness because ____________.

Russia plans to ____________.

China plans to pour some $100 billion into telecommunication equipment.

Russian economy is stuck in recession and ____________.

China has the money to invest. (Implied)

Russia: A loser. (Implied)

Nothing mentioned to show achievements so far.

China: A winner (Implied)

China's major cities are ____________. Telecommunications helps Shanghai to realize its dream of ____________.

选择最佳译文: 原文:中国有 12 亿多人口,陆地自然资源人均占有量低于世界平均水平

A.China has a population of more than 1.2 billion, and its land natural resources per capita are lower than the world’s averag


B.China’s population is 1.2 billion and the natural resources on the land per head are lower than the world’s average level.

C.The 1.2 billion people in China have lower land natural resources than in the world each.

D.The land natural resources 1.2 billion Chinese have are less than the world has.

Place Texas,SW Florida,SE California,W Georgia,SE Chicago,N Maine,NE










Mexican food

Taco Bell



Chinese food

fried chicken

cheese and



As the United States is known as a nation of all nations, its foods are also international. If you come from China, you'll find ______. For those who favor spicy Mexican food, ______. Though KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is a Kentucky-based corporation and has its restaurants all over the world, Georgia ______. If you prefer seafood, Maine ______. For the lovers of cheese and beef, Chicago ______. Well, after you have had a meal of your favorite food, what about a fruit dessert ______?

However, foreign cigarettes legally imported into China have taken only a 3 per cent





It is mutually agreed that the Certificate of Quality and Weight(10) by the China Import and Export

It is mutually agreed that the Certificate of Quality and Weight(10)by the China Import and Export Commodity Inspection Bureau at the port of shipment shall be taken as the(11)of delivery.

The company shall be registered in Dalian, China and() and protected by the Law of t

The company shall be registered in Dalian, China and() and protected by the Law of the People’s Republic of China.

A、looked after

B、taken care of



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