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You may try some games to play with your audience , but remember the gamesshouldn' t be too_________




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A: You are a sophomore at college and you aren't very successful in the study of English, especi
ally in building up your vocabulary. No matter how hard you try, some English words just escape your mind when you want to use them. So you come to your teacher's office for help.

B: As an experienced teacher of English, you know the trouble your students have and are ready to help.

You may use the following words and expressions:

vocabulary remember keep in mind jot down

no matter how context meaningful

Could you help me with ...

I have trouble with ...

My big problem is ...

... escape my mind ...

What does ... mean?

I'll give it a try.

That's not unusual.

Have you ever tried ...?

... become more meaningful ...

... learn them in the context.

I wish you success!

Interviews are part of most people' s working life. Here are some handy tips on how to do your best at interviews.

Interviews are part of most people' s working life. Here are some handy tips on how to do your best at interviews.

Don' t mistakenly think that your interviewers want to know about you. They are interested only in that small part of you that can or can' t do the job they have advertised.

sadly , many of us are so flattered by questions such as "Tell me about your strengths" that we take it as an invitation to chatter and make fools of ourselves.

Never think that lots of enthusiasm is enough. sit down with a pen , paper and the job description ,and work out the skills and qualities they are looking for.

Itemize your technical or professional skills as they match the requirements of the job. Then recall an incident to illustrate each of these skills. When you have done this

, you will be in a position to begin justifying your ability and suitability.

Remember that very few questions are lightly asked.

If your interviewers are interviewing more than a couple of candidates , they have probably worked up a list of eight to ten questions to put to each person. In well-organized businesses , they will be making marks in their notebooks as you give your replies. An imprecise answer will show that you do not appreciate the value of the question. s0 think through how you can give strong

, specific answers to questions such as "Can you work well in a team or on your own or in a small business?"

Avoid giving them reasons to exclude you. You want to appear the sort of person who will help out in a crisis. make the tea sometimes even if it is not your job. be tolerant of others. whatever their age ,sex , race or religion ,

and be easy to manage. Don't attack your previous employer as it suggests you might attack your now one.

Try asking them a few questions. If you ask what sort of projects you would be likely to start work on ,you might then get back some very useful feedback. If they start opening Up

to you , you can get into a more equal conversation and may have an opportunity to show that you can deal with the sort of situation they are describing.

31. The passage is to show the applicant how to ()

A. prepare for a job interview

B. do their best at a job interview

C. impress the interviewers at a job interview

32. The applicant should not attack his previous boss at the interview because ()

A. the interviewer and the applicant' s previous boss may be birds of a feather

B. a man who speaks ill of somebody else in the back is not reliable and trustworthy

C. the interviewer may think that, if one attacks his previous employer now , he might attack his new one later

33. Why is it good for the applicant to ask the interviewer a few questions? ()

A. He can have more chance of demonstrating his ability.

B. He can learn more about the interviewer' s likes and dislikes.

C. He can make the interview run in the way in his favor.

34. According to the passage , which of the following is true? ()

A. Y ou should answer every question raised by the interviewer as thoroughly as possible.

B. You should try your best to flatter the interviewer and never disagree with him.

C. It is foolish to take the question "Tell me about your strengths" as an invitation to chatter.

35. It can be inferred from the passage that ()

A. interviewers always want to know as many as possible about the applicant

B. a careful analysis of your qualifications will better prepare you for the interview

C. one should give more attention to questions like ‘Can you work well in a team?"

Career Change :A. People who are thinking about changing careers are often afraid

Career Change

A. People who are thinking about changing careers are often afraid of what will happen if they quit their job. Will they find another one? Will they like another field as well as the one they are in now? Will they be able to grow and advance in a new organization?

B. As these questions come to mind, they should try to figure out the answers so they can reach a decision. Although there is a high rate of unemployment in some countries, there are usually jobs for skill ed workers who ca use computers or other equipment. Those who have specialized training in these areas can generally find a position without too much effort.

C .The question of whether they' II like another field more than their current one is also a crucial one. While it' s nice to dream about having another job , the reality may be that they aren't suited for it. For example , if an architect likes to cook but has no idea about how to run a business , it may be risky for him to open a restaurant. He can cook for his friends on weekends and satisfy his dreams of being a chef in that way.

D. Another good way for a person to find out if she will be successful in a new field is to try it out as a part-time job. Being an event planner sounds glamorous but helping friends with parties or weddings might show her that it also very stressful. However, if she has the creativity and organization necessary for such a position , she can continue to plan events for friends until she builds up a reputation. Then she can leave her current job to look for a job in event planning knowing that she' ll be successful in this area.

E. Once a person has found his or her specialty and decides on the change , it' s necessary to stick with it until the business gets off the ground. This usually takes about five years. If the move has been from one company to another, the person should stay until it is clear he is doing a good job and can advance to a higher position. Following this advice will make the transition smoother and the career change successful.

For each question , choose the best answer based on the reading sage. Write A , B , C or D on your Answer Sheet.

21. According to the reading , people who think about changing careers generally____.

A. quit their jobs

B. are afraid of quitting their jobs

C. find another one right away

D. grow and advance in a new organization

22. There is a high rate of unemployment in some countries , but skilled workers____.

A. lose their jobs

B. try to reach a decision

C. use computers

D. with training can still get jobs

23. If a person dreams about doing another job,____.

A. he is suited for it

B. he can run a business

C. he still may not be able to do it

D. he will be satisfied as a chef

24. Having a part-time job____.

A. is a good way to try another career

B. sounds glamorous

C. is very stressful

D. builds up a person' s career

25. You should stay in a new career at least fiv years because____.

A. it' s your specialty

B. you moved from one company to another

C. you can do a good job and advance in that time

D. the transition will smoother

Exercise, everyone advises! But immediately, when you try, you run into trouble. There is
so much contradictory, sometimes incorrect advice about exercising that you become confused. Test yourself on the following true false quiz. It will tell you what you need to know.

1. To lose weight you should always "work up a good sweat" when exercising.

False. Sweating only lowers body temperature to prevent overheating; it does not help you reduce weight. You may weigh less immediately after a workout, but this is due to water loss. Once you replace the liquid, you replace the weight.

2. You burn more calories jogging one mile than walking the same distance.

False. You use the same amount of energy whether you walk or jog the mile, since in both cases you are moving the same weight the same distance. The speed doesn't matter. Of course, if you jog rather than walk for 30 minutes, you'll cover more distance, and therefore burn more calories.

3. If your breathing doesn’t return to normal within minutes after you finish exercising, you' ve exercised too much.

True. Five minutes or so after exercising, your breathing should be normal, your heart shouldn't be pounding, and you shouldn’t be exhausted. Beneficial exercise is not too difficult, unpleasant, and exhausting; it is enjoyable and refreshing.

4. Walking is one of the best exercises.

True.. Walking helps circulation of blood throughout the body, and thus has a direct effect on your overall feeling of health.

This article explains ______.

A.the difficulties of exercising

B.why exercising is good for your health

C.important information to know about exercising

D.why people have some wrong ideas about exercising

There may be some points that you remain()about.



C.being confused

D.being confusing

We may be able to ____ you in some way if you can not finish your work on time





After reading the passage, you may conclude that ______ .A.the Indian system is also suita

After reading the passage, you may conclude that ______ .

A.the Indian system is also suitable for some small towns

B.the Indians were too simple to some small towns

C.our social system is much better than that existing Indian society

D.the Indian social system would be very difficult for our society

A. Why not? B. She's an engineer. C. I'll try my best. D. Is five dollars enough?

A. Why not?

B. She's an engineer.

C. I'll try my best.

D. Is five dollars enough?

E. He's my nephew.

F. Stop for a rest.

G. It's worth seeing.

H. Repay the money.

56. Joe: I've left my money in my house. Can you lend me some?

Ann: ______

After comparing "They stopped at the end of the corridor. " with "At the end of the corrid
or, they stopped" , you may find some difference in meaning, and the difference can be interpreted in terms of collocative meaning.


??Questions 1 to 5 arc based on the following passage:Shopping for clothes is not the same

??Questions 1 to 5 arc based on the following passage:

Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man as it is for a woman. A man goes shopping because he needs something, his purpose is settled and decided in advance. He knows what he wants and his objective is to find it and buy it; the price is a secondary consideration.

All men simply walk into a shop and ask the assistant for what they went. If the shop has it in stock, the salesman promptly producesit, and the business of trying it on proceeds at once. All being we1l, the deal can beand of ten is completed in less than five minutes, with hardly any chat and to everyone&39;s satisfaction.

For a man, slight problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants, or does not have exactly what he wants. In that case the salesman, as the name implies, tries to sell the customer something else. He offers the nearest he can to the article required. No good salesman bring sout such a substitute directly, he does so with skill: “I know this jacket is not the sty]e you want, Sir! but would you like to try it for size? It happens to be the color you mentioned.”

Few men have patience with this treatment, and the usual responseis:

“This is the right color and may be the right size, but I should be wasting my time and yours by trying it on.”

Now how does a woman go about buying clothes?In almost every respect she does so in the opposite way. Her shopping not often based on need. She has never fully made up her mind what she wants, and she is only “having a look round”. She is always open to persuasion; indeed she sets great store by what the saleswoman tells her. She will try on any number of things. Uppermost in her mind is the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her.

Contrary to a lot of jokes, most women have an excellent sense of value when they buy clothes. They are always on the look out for the unexpected bargain. Faced with a roomful of dresses, a woman may easily spend an hour going from one rail to another, to and fro, before selecting the dresses she wants to try on. It is a 1aborious(费时的) process, but apparently an enjoyable one.

Most dress shops provide chairs for the waiting husbands.

When a man is buying clothes, .??

A.he buys cheap things, regardless of quality

B.he chooses things that others recommend

C.he does not mind how much he has to pay for the right things

D.he buys good quality things, so long as they are not too expensive

What does a man do when he cannot get exactly what wants?

A.He buys similar things of the color he wants.

B.He usually does not buy anything.

C.He tries on some other things, but never buys anything.

D.So long as the size is right, he buys the thing.

What does the passage tell us about women shoppers?

A.They welcome suggestions from anyone.

B.Women rarely consider buying cheap clothes.

C.Women often buy things without giving the matter proper thought

D.They listen to advice but never take it.

In commerce a good salesman is one who___.A.treats his customers kindly.

B.always has in stock just what customers want

C.does not waste his time on difficult customers

D.sells something a customer does not particularly want

What is the most obvious difference between men and women shoppers?A.The fact that men do not try clothes on in a shop.

B.Women bargain for their clothes, but men do not.

C.Women stand up to shop, but men sit down.

D.The time they took over buying clothes.


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